Jane Sherry has agreed to try something a little different. I'm 
setting up a distribution list, and everyone who wants to get the 
forwarded messages from Jane, will now come from me.

This will eliminate some of the off topic posts to BDNOW group 

I'll need to set up a list of emails, so anyone who would like to 
receive these GlobalNews, and New York Times, and other 
information pieces needs to let me know off list.

This isn't another email group, it's simply a distribution list of email 
addresses I can access at one time, once Jane forwards any 
pertinent messages to myself. I'm not sure how it'll be if someone 
wants to respond or comment on a particular post. You may have 
to just send your comments to myself and I'll have to bundle them 
into the dist. group's messages. 

There'll be a few kinks to work out, like, when I 'forward' jane's 
messages, I suppose the usual >><< will be on each line so it'll be 
much more awkward than when Jane was sending to the group.
We'll all have to just see how this works. I've used distribution 
groups before, but it was at a jobsite and using another email 
platform, and I can't recall all the technicalities offhand. But I bet I 
figure it out.

thanks, martha

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