Lloyd Charles wrote:

Hi Roger
              In your dalgety pictures the underground streams meet pic -
what is in the right hand side ? a curving line like a lake shore or similar
at the edge of the green , i couldnt make this out real good or is it a
little ridge top?  the curve looks too smooth to be made by anything else
but ponded water ?

actually it's an underground stream curving down from the fenceline which is about 200 metres north. When the underground lakes are full, this stream would in fact form the edge of one which is why the curve is so smooth.

What happened was there was a 30 minute (about) downpour in late Dec which literally swept through the reserve, washing loose and dry stuff off the surface and recharging the underground streams and lakes (all of which I had dowsed a month or so earlier without any surface indicators - I feel pretty good about that! :) )

I learned today there are only about 18 cows in there, they will be there for four weeks max. That's good, the feed and water should last OK.

This was slow loading (very) . for the future are you able to list the pics
with a short description of each so that we can click on and bring them up
one at the time rather than waiting for the whole page to load.

well, it's the first time i've done anything like this, i can only get better with practice. Thumbnails are the way to go.

Are you going to albury?  Its raining in Toowoomba already , i guess that
change will get to coffs harbour next week and there's a TC off the west
coast that could put something around albury about the 17th of feb . Cheryl
says good numbers to all four workshops, she just keeps doing this, I dont
know anybody can pull rabbits out of hats like this lady!

Yes, robin and I are driving down on the 15th after the Canberra Peace Rally, we're staying at the Albury Georgian Motor Inn in town. Looking forward to the workshop. Be a busy week, I've got a landcare conference in Braidwood 13/14th. You're going to Toowoomba aren't you?


Lloyd Charles

May I have given you seeds that you can turn into roots
that will bear fruit in the future. (Rudolf Steiner)
Reiki Healer, Earth Healing, Natural Energy Divination
Earthcare Environmental Solutions
PO Box 2057 Queanbeyan NSW 2620 Australia
Ph: +61 2 6255 3824
Fax: +61 2 6255 1028
Mob: +61 410 469 541

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