Christoph Goebles who was a co-worker at the House for Nutritional Research in Dornach 1967/8 worked on wheat seeds before planting. I left before any outcome was recorded but there may be some records there. I imagine that the best time to make an impression on the plant would be as the seed were germinating and up to the time it shows it's true form.
In my opinion natures best musicians are the song birds, then the insect world.
Best wishes
----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Myren
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 4:09 PM
Subject: Crystaline Structure in Water

Has anyone on the list every done work on the effects of music on plants or water or the water in plants? I know this may not exactly be Steiner inspired but it has peaked my interest because I was just sent a link by my mother-in law that has some absolutely awe inspiring photos of water that have been exposed to various types of music and other forms of stimulus. By showing the affect on the crystallization structure of the water, it clearly demonstrates the effects of intension on physical matter.

again this site has photographs

p.s. Is any one in dryer areas of the planet using flow forms to enliven the water that they do have?

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