Deborah and Martha - Two pence worth, largely irrelevant.
The genetics department at Swansea University, where I used to teach marine biology, kept Tilapia for breeding experiments. They're not enormous fish (around half to two-thirds the size of farmed trout at most) and seemed quite happy in tanks about 10x3x4ft - large, but feasible for a commercial glasshouse? Of course, they got an excellent diet since the object wasn't to produce them at a profit, although the lab tech responsible for them had the perk of selling surplus to the local fishmonger.
Although not a smallholder, we have several acres of roughish land with various outhouses. We used to keep chickens for fun, with eggs a welcome sideline, but lacked the 'survivor spirit' - could never face killing to eat, so we ended up with some of the oldest chooks in creation!
Tony N-S.

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