
It has come down to my attention, a view, regarding the continuous
broadcast of the preparations using radionic devices. It seems there is a
concern that broadcasting these patterns during ‘detrimental’ time periods
(nodes and other Stella blackout periods) might be…well…detrimental. My
initial reaction was that these time periods are small portion of the
whole of time and that the “beneficial broadcast” time should out weigh
the ‘bad”.  After thinking about it a while I landed on that maybe
discontinuous broadcast might have advantages. After all a blinking light
has more impact than an even brighter continuous light. Maybe cyclic
broadcasts might be more effective, keeping the chaos/order
energy-building process in mind. (Would the energy patterns start
reverting towards ‘chaos’ after the broadcast was stopped?)(The broadcast
does create more order?) So here I ponder.

Would it benefit one to keep the Stella in hand when using a broadcast
device? Which ‘events’ would one want to let occur without a broadcast?
Would a ‘scheduled’ broadcast be more effective than one not? How does one
figure this out?

I know a number of list members do broadcast. It might be beneficial to
discuss techniques and process.

Trying to sort it out,

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