At 12:04 PM 2/12/2003 -0500, roger wrote:
When I first talked about BD with a good friend of mine, he looked at me with the now-familiar 'steer caught in the headlights' look, laughed and said "You can't be serious, falling for something like that. Cow shit buried in a cow horn after dancing backwards round a campfire in the light of the silvery moon with a feather up your backside!"

It's funny how folks react to perceived "superstitious nonsense". Truly, BD is a fantastic claim. However, the "alternative conceptual model" behind Steiner contains a consistent and logical philosophy if you dig into it. The amazing part is the statement that we can manipulate material stuff is a way that manages subtle energies, which then in turn influence the material world. That would be superstition if there were not experimental evidence that it works.

David Robison

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