----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:02 PM
Subject: Update on cannibals / goat news / questions for seed starting

Martha, i really appreciate your (educational)sharing about the
chickens,types,habits etc.....as one who has so far not had the conditions
to keep some. This may change this year, and i'd like to know more of these
basics which you and others may share.....
In prior times, Guinea fowl kept pecking my lettuce leaves....same as the
peacocks. I dont know if there were insect targets on the leaves, but there
were leafbits missing.
For seed starting, i use plain, grower-quality (no additives/wetting
agents)coarse-shredded (not the very finest) peatmoss, sifted or rubbed
well-composted leafmold, fairly fine paramagnetic rockpowder, washed
concrete sand, medium sized growers'vermiculite, sifted mature garden/manure
compost, pre-saved dry topsoil from the garden, and sometimes perlite.
The mixratio is an art, influenced by the heaviness/stickiness of the
components...especially the topsoil/compost.
Because of the volumes, i use the standard white trays (so i can
greasepencil/different colours on them ..re-used..on 4 different edges..
each year. And standard thin plastic inserts...3 different sizes. Later
,tomatoes go into scavenged 4" plastic pots. I use terra cotta when i can
find them used.
This year i also plan to use some standing- height soilblockers which i got
at an auction.
(although some bd person said it wasn't a good idea to use them....cant
remember why).



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