Guinea intelligence is an oxymoron.  Humor!  Now that's something they live.
In my suburban neighborhood the fools like to car-watch.  Sometimes they
stop and then trot along beside a vehicle as it slows for them, and if
they're in the mood, will chase the car on foot until it gets away.

Their cat pal keeps his eye on them.  When they insist on stopping traffic
by just standing in the middle of the street, he will walk up behind one of
them, sniff its butt, sending them squawking, flying like a streak for the
safety of my roof.

Most sundowns and sunups they perform their sun dance on "their" roof,
singing through most of their vocabulary while they race each other from
front to back, back to front.

But then their mindlessness seems to be rubbing off on the cat.  Now he
sometimes sits just outside their nest, guarding it, when both are
temporarily away.

When they get the notion, they call me out to play, either from the front
screen door or if that fails, they actually come to just outside the nearest
window to my location in the house to call, at first softly....

They do keep me laughing, and best of all, roach and mosquito free in swamp
city aka central Florida.

I've raised ducks and geese here, and guineas are the funniest of the three,
not menacing to others like the geese, and not alligator bait as the ducks.


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