Title: FW: [globalnews] Starhawk's Upcoming Events/Women's Day/Earth Activist Training

Hi there,
Below is a short list of some of my upcoming work for the spring.  I've been limiting this list to my writings only, but enough people have complained about not hearing what I'm doing that I've decided to send out a rough schedule every few months or so.  Remember you can always get off this mailing list by emailing [EMAIL PROTECTED] and putting 'unsubscribe' in the subject heading.

Like so many, I've been madly working and organizing against Bush's pre-emptive war in Iraq.  
I'll be in Washington DC for International Women's Day, doing a nonviolent direct action training on Friday March 7 as part of the teach-in, speaking at the rally on March 8 and helping to organize a magical/pageant as part of the march, and closing the spirituality gathering on Sunday March 9 with a Spiral Dance.  The official details are at the end of this post, or at www.codepink4peace.org.

Then I'm heading back to Israel and Palestine, to work with the International Solidarity Movement again.  You can expect to hear more from me about that!

I'll return in late April to do another Earth Activist Training with Penny Livingston.  We still have room for more students--and we're in serious needs of more scholarship funding, if any of you have some extra cash these days.  If you appreciate getting my writings, and have been wondering "Hmmn, what could I do to show my appreciation?" donating to EAT would have maximum ripple effect, as it spreads more than even the tools of magic and political activism but also the hands-on skills of building the world we believe is possible.

There are other, short-term speaking engagements sprinkled in there.  For a full and updated schedule, you can always check my website at www.starhawk.org.

Let's keep praying and working for peace!  Love Starhawk

Earth Activist Training: April 26 to May 10, 2003

Learn how to create the world you want to live in!
Learn permaculture, political activism, and magic with Starhawk and Penny Livingston-Stark in a two-week intensive course.  Earth Activist Training is a design course for visionary activists.  Learn the skills to transform a piece of land, a community, political and economic systems, and ourselves.

Spend two weeks in the wilds of western Sonoma County, California, learning:
* Nature and wilderness awareness
* The elemental building blocks of nature: air, fire, water, earth ... and soul
* Diversity in ecosystems and in our movement
* Pattern thinking in design, strategy, and movement building
* Solutions that exist: alternative energy, organic farming, natural building, bioremediation, and restoration
* Soil and forest ecology and ecological economics
* How to think like a watershed; and collect, conserve, and clean water
* Movement building, strategy, and direct action principles and practices
* Consensus process, community building, facilitation, and conflict resolution
* Transformation of fear, rage, grief, and frustration into creative action
* How to stay grounded and centered in tough and challenging situations
* Ways to create ritual and weave magic into action
* How to renew personal energy and avoid burnout

Participants receive a Permaculture Design Certificate upon completion of the course.

Cost: Sliding scale for the two-week residential training is:
$1500, if you have abundance in the form of money;
$1200, if you are working and solvent;
$1000, if you are scraping by.
We work hard to make this training available to those who want it, regardless of income. The middle of the scale, $1200, is "our cost."  Those who can pay at the high end of the scale help provide scholarships and work-trades for others.  If even the low-end of the scale is too much for you, please see the options for work-trade, scholarship, personal fundraising, and tuition/travel loans, detailed on the EAT web site.

Deadline for EAT work-trade and scholarship applications is February 28, 2003!  The closing date for regular EAT registration is April 5, 2003.  Space is limited, so apply now.

To learn more...
First please carefully read our web site, which has many details AND a downloadable application form:  www.permacultureinstitute.com/eat . Important: if you've visited this site before, be sure to use "Refresh" or "Reload" buttons on your browser to get the current information

For questions that remain, contact Mer at
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 707-583-2300, extension 119
Or send a SASE to:
21 Ft. Ross Way
Cazadero, CA  95421

We welcome your help in providing scholarships.  Tax deductible contributions can be made to:
Daughters/Sisters Foundation (Make check out to Daughters/Sisters, earmark it EAT)
PO Box 4492  Rolling Bay, WA 98061.

Urgent: Stop the War...This May be Our Last Chance...

March 8, International Women’s Day:
Come to Washington DC to Encircle the White House or Organize a Similar Event Locally

March 8 marks a critically important date in the anti-war movement, when the United Nations will be debating a second resolution on Iraq. It could well be the week that determines whether there will be war or peace. Let’s build on the amazing momentum of the February 15 rallies and make March 8 a day when women and men around the country—and the world—force our leaders to respond to our cry for peace!

Please join Alice Walker, Maxine Hong Kingston, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Amy Goodman, Barbara Ehrenreich, Medea Benjamin, Granny D, Rania Masri and many other wonderful women for a Washington DC rally 11am in Malcolm X Park, followed by a march to encircle the White House. While Bush says Code Orange, we’ll be saying Code Pink for Peace. So if possible, WEAR PINK or BRING PINK BANNERS. (Men and children most welcome!)

If you can’t come to Washington, organize a similar pink encirclement of a local federal building, prominent park or other public space. Please let us know what you’re doing. Write to [EMAIL PROTECTED], contact  www.unitedforpeace.org/women or call 202-393-5016.

Sponsors include Code Pink, United for Peace and Justice, N.O.W. and Global Exchange, Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee, and many others


"CELEBRATING WOMEN AS GLOBAL PEACEMAKERS" - Week of Activities in Washington D.C.
March 3 – 9, 2003
Activities to include concerts, teach-ins, exhibits and actions
for calendar details visit: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=1215

Volunteers urgently needed
- please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 202-628-8669 x 162

Thursday March 6: A day of lobbying Congress and the Administration
To participate please contact Monica Martinez at the National Organization for Women at 202-628-8669 x 144 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Friday March 7:
9:00a.m. – 5:00 p.m.: Teach-In: "For a Just Peace & Real Security, Listen to Women for a Change!" at Shiloh Baptist Church, 9th & P Streets, NW
$10-$20 sliding scale, *Childcare available – pre-registration requested / wheelchair accessible

8:00 p.m
.: Concert at Lisner Auditorium, 730 21st Street, NW Washington, DC, $30, wheelchair accessible

Saturday March 8:
11:00 a.m. Rally at Malcolm X Park, 16th St. between W and Euclid, NW; ASL interpretation provided
1:00 p.m. March to Encircle the White House / *Shuttle available during march
8:00 p.m.: Community Festivities at Josephine Butler Parks Center, 2437 15th St., NW, $5.00 donation

Sunday March 9
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.:
Spiritual Celebration with Alice Walker, Hyun Kyung, Starhawk, Terry Tempest Williams and others; followed by discussion - Where do we go from here? / George Washington University Marvin Center Ballroom, 800 21st Street, NW
$5.00 donation, *Childcare available – pre-registration requested / wheelchair accessible

For a full schedule or more details visit these websites:
or call The Women’s Peace Vigil at 202-393-5016 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Partial list of Sponsors: Global Exchange, CODEPINK for Peace, National Organization for Women, V-Day, Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, United for Peace & Justice, Unreasonable Women, Peace Action, D.C. Asians for Peace and Justice, National Women’s Health Network, Women’s Environment and Development Organization, Gray Panthers of Metro D.C., Sisterhood Is Global Institute, Women's Action for New Directions/Women Legislators Lobby, Youth Leadership Support Network, Guatemala Human Rights Commission, Arab American Anti Discrimination Committee

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