Recall that online audio for Bob Cannard is located here:

Voice of the Farm:   A visit with Bob Cannard at his
Sobre Vista Farm in Sonoma, California
May 11, 2000

Part 1  An Introduction to Farming
Part 2  Biology Lessons
Part 3  The Social Context
Part 4  It's a wrap

Each audio clip is about 11-12 minutes.

Also there at Lifesignsphoto:

Wes Jackson Speaks at Asilomar
The 20th Annual Ecological Farming Conference
January 19 through 22, 2000

Fascinatingly.....  the Wes Jackson download is a
RealSlideShow clip.  It combines the Wes Jackson
audio lecture at about 11-12 minutes, integrated with
slide photo images that "transition" from one image
to the next image while the audio lecture plays.  Though,
there aren't enough images and they change too slowly,
so this is just a sample of RealSlideShow, not an excellent
example of RealSlideShow.

Curiosity finally got to me so I stayed up late this week
investigating RealSlideShow and found out that it is still
available in the dark dungeons of Real Network, with a
free download version.

OK, friends, here it is.... it is a life transforming experience
to have this tool... if you have music clips or audio clips
and slide images... you can weave it all together and have
a new form of educational delivery.

As I say, it is an older release and *all* of the old press
release sites that talk about RealSlideShow "jump" to this
Real Networks page featuring the most recent "for-purchase"

But no, you have to dig deeper.   Deeper.  You have to
search and you have to dig.

Instead, go to Tools and Plug-ins

Now you can get to RealSlideShow Basic

As a test run, I put put together my first RealSlideShow with
beautiful music and beautiful images.... flow forms, BD barrel
stirring, chromatagram, flower beds, water crystallization... with
a title of "It's a Beautiful Day."

My work home page, Rhizosphere II, is no longer available
as a public site web page (new organizational policy), so I
will move this over to my "farm home" web page later and let
you know how to access it.

In the meantime, here is a nice sampler of RealSlideShow
in action.  As you can see, it is pretty cool.  A nice example
of slide transitions and phase changes between images set
to music from a band that knows how to use technology to
get their music and vision "out there."

Baby, I Just Got the Blues
an online video*
by one blue nine
*actually a glorified multimedia slide show..

Adios amigos,

Allan Balliett wrote:

> Thanks so much for this, Jane. Bob is one of my personal heroes. A
> truly great man, one whom a grower cannot meet without becoming
> changed.  I know others on this list have had equally strong
> experiences in his presence.
> Of course, I have about 3 hours of Bob Cannard audio I'd like to
> publish on the web, if there is any interest.
> -Allan

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