
My apologies...My EXODUS post yesterday was sent in error before completion.
Hopefully there wasn't too many spelling or grammar errors. I stand behind
the content, but probably would have changed a phrase or two. (stopping and
thinking about it is easier with email than least when
you don't press the wrong button).

Its a great big world out there, fraught with things that exhilarate and
decimate. There is however a limited time that a humans can spend their
infinite wealth of mental energies. Is it better to contemplate the outrage
of impending war, or the plight of a misfortunate child in an undeveloped
country, or spend the thoughts on enriching the soil in your garden, or
helping the clover seeds germinating in your pastures? Is it necessary to
do both? What are the implications if one more often chooses the latter to
think about, rather than the former? I contend that staying home and
spraying 500 is just as important (maybe even more so) in the whole grand
scheme of things than marching on Washington trying to stop a "loose

Back in the 90's (boy, does that sound as weird to you as it does to me) I
had the mis/fortune of fighting a local corporation who wanted to build a
smokestack industry just down the road from where I lived. After 3 years of
spending enormous amounts of time, money and mental energy I wound up having
to move anyway! All that banging of the head, the sleepless nights for
nothing... I actually don't regret doing it, but if the situation came up
again I'm not sure I would repeat my previous actions.

Needless to say the growth of the individual human spirit can take many
shapes and many paths. Those who choose their own little BD world are just
as right as those who choose the "global" world. We're all going
the same way, and we'll all get there together. It's the routes
we take that, however, are unique.


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