Hi! Doug, Jane & Allan,
Sorry, but I am with Doug, although not necessarily of the same
political outlook. (I do not know what his interests are!)

I have been ill for a few days and went to the farm to get away from
things and was thus computer free. I came back to the normal stack of
emails and have gone through and dealt with all the non BD Now ones.
With ninety six to go, I am faced with the situation:- do I just dump
the whole lot or do I take the time to discard the many "Jane" posts, to
see if any one is still posting any thing related to BD or if it is just

Jane, much of what you post I agree with and have already read from
other sources. I know your Government is less than desirable. Much of
what you post is rewritten from rewritten material from old sources.
Those who follow world events have had this stuff in the source material
ages ago.

Allan, I really like information on BD and related subjects. I really
respect many of the regular contributors to BD Now. Some posts are vital
for the purpose of  getting information on BD to those interested in BD.
Over time I have passed the details of the list on to many others who
are also interested in BD, but as far as I know, none are still on the
list, largely because of the volume of unrelated material.

Allan, as SYSOP, I believe you must make the decision about the nature
of the list. Is it about BD and related subjects or is it not? I would
see related subjects including areas like soil science, homoeopathy,
radionics, dowsing, organics, marketing propagation, seed collection,
alternatives to chemicals, GM issues, water quality, machinery, climate
etc. This is in addition to BD and the broader Stiener area.

I believe your current policy  is limiting access to the information on
this list, as many people are not prepared to wade through the non-BD
material to find the core material.

With the greatest respect.

Doug & Jay Stewart wrote

> Greg Willis is so right in his observation that it is the very
> proponents of BD who do the most to prevent its general acceptance.
> snip
> Well, I am sorry to see BDNow die.  I will miss the periodic gems I
> find here.  Hopefully someone else will start a new BD email list.

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