At 12:00 PM 3/9/2003 -0500, Christy wrote:
So a really basic question (s) -
The etheric body of a plant is its own, along with the physical body, but it
has no astral body (otherwise it would have mobility and what else?

Organs. Little bits of the outside captured inside the physical body.
Like when the developing embryo forms an invagitation, then rolls in a bit of the outside skin. That first capture becomes the neural tube, the beginnings of the nervous system. From that grows all the sensory organs and brain -- that which has the ability to reflect the outer world because it starts by capturing a bit of it. The organs develop as astral centers, internalizing some of the outside -- while for plants, all that astral stuff stays outside. Then because the animal has it's own astral centers, it can be mobile.

So, the
astral body that hovers around it does that belong to the plant?

Yes, tho I think it is more of a group astral. It reaches into the plant for flowering/ fruiting processes but the plant is always reaching for it. Think of those hollow center diagrams where the plants reaches toward the focal point but never gets there.

David Robison
Stellar Processes
1033 SW Yamhill Suite 405
Portland, OR 97205
(503) 827-8336

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