Dear Michael,
Many thanks for your support.
We have had some torrential rains over the last week and hopefully, the mites will be 
washed away
for this season, but we must be ready with a plan for next years attack.
We have made a brew and some peppers and sprayed it. Will revert with the results.
Warm Regards

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of mroboz
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: Help

Dear Hugh,

  Could you provide an explanation as to your thought processes for Anil's
mite problem.  Perhaps now you are caught up and more energiized.  Much
appreciated, Michael

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hugh Lovel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: Help

> Anif Dear,
> For this I would use homeopathically potentized biodynamic horn clay plus
> stinging nettle sprayed or treated radionically in the afternoon. Then an
> evening treatment of homeopathic biodynamic yarrow remedy (502) followed
> the next morning with homeopathic biodynamic valerian remedy (507). The
> treatment might need to be repeated a few times.
> I could explain why but it would take some time and here it is very late
> night. What are your access to biodynamic remedies and what would be your
> means of applying them?
> Best wishes,
> Hugh Lovel,
> Georgia, USA
> >Dear Friends,
> >I will be very grateful,  if anyone , can give me some information or
> >suggestions on how to control
> >Mites in Organic Tea, especially Red Spider Mite ( Oligonycus coffea )
> >I work on a Organic Tea Plantation in South India, where we have also
> >started started to appreciate
> >the principles of BD farming and thus, very much in its infancy !!
> >Thanking you,
> >With Kind Regards
> >Anil Dharmapalan
> >

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