Status:  U
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 06:46:32 +1000
To: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Graeme Gerrard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can u forward this to BDNow Allan? Re: A1 and A2 milk
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.0 required=10.0

Folks - can I be the only one who hadn't heard of A1 and A2 milk until now? Someone please explain... ! Tony NS.
Hi Tony,
I watched the TV program and later did a google on "A2 milk" and turned up a lot of the info the TV program presented. There is also a record of a post program chat with the producer and one of the researchers at

Basically the story is that cows produce milk that contains a casein typed as either A1 or A2. These behave differently when digested by humans. Here in Aus/NZ the proportion is about 70/30% in favour of A1. The dairies take no note of the difference and just mix it all together (except one dairy in NSW which sells A2 milk).
The difference is the result of breeding over a long time so it apparently doesn't matter whether your milk is raw or your cows are raised biodynamically. Guernsey cows produce predominately A2 milk, Ayrshires almost always A1. So it is a matter of changing over all the dairy cows to genetic strains that produce A2 - something like 300 million cows worldwide - costing $2billion.

Now the A2 corporation patented a test for A2 cows. The test costs about $20 per cow and A2 corp expects to get a few dollars per test in royalties. Fonterra (the privatised version of the NZ dairy board) patented a test for A1 susceptibility in humans.

It is hard to tell whether the whole thing is pure BS, kind of right or terrifyingly true. If so, many people will have already drunk the milk that will cause them to get Type 1 diabetes (insulin injecting), autism, heart disease, schizophrenia and probably numerous other immuno-response illnesses. But one thing is sure - nobody seems to have the public interest at heart and if it is even partly true - people here are being daily poisoned with government sanction and backing!

I am amazed I never came across this until now, but I guess you have to know what you are looking for - there is a lot of stuff on the net. A friend of mine said who works with disabled children said it came up at a conference last year, presented as a potential cause of autism. This impression of the presentation was that it was very early days in the research and inconclusive at the time.
Oh, and human milk, goat milk and buffalo milk are all A2.
Happy Latte!
Graeme Gerrard

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