----- Original Message -----
From: Hugh Lovel
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 1:18 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Prep 500 and 501 effects
Dear Hugh
            Thanks for posting this to BDnow - we do appreciate the effort you put into this - our soils and biology professors would have great difficulty arguing against the science you have presented here!
Gillian (Cole) may get some useful insight into the effect of colours from a look at the work of John N Ott - his video " Exploring the Spectrum" is still available for sale and is very interesting. Looks at the effects of different light frequencies on plants, animals, and humans, (kids in school), well worth a viewing by anyone that has not seen it. Arden Andersen uses this video in his soils school to stimulate thoughts about energy.Its really effective. 
Lloyd Charles      


Here is some attempt at response. Terribly time consuming. Hope I see you in NZ in July. I'd like to forward this discussion to BDnow to see if I can stimulate any further comments.

Hugh Lovel 
How important photons are and how much coherence in light uptake by plants (or animals) affects things is not so clear. For example animals have chemical reactions beginning at the retina and traveling down the optic nerve to the pituitary and affecting the pineal gland, etc. on through the body chemistry. We don't know nearly enough about this, but it is important way beyond what usually is believed. Pumpkin vines make more female flowers under the (I think it is blue) influence of one end of the spectrum and more male flowers with the opposite.
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