Well said Hamish.

I too think we should celebrate our variations within the theme, rather than seeking to prove my guru is a better guru than your guru.

There can be no doubt that the best food available, is that grown Biodynamically. Should it not be our task to do that which we are able, to extend it's availability, and not waste energy on infighting.

For any who may not know, Hamish has been a key figure in one of the two biggest of the several BD Camps in Oz. His dedication to the cause has been an inspiration to many over a long period. I get emails from people who at some time past visited Oz and saw Hamish in one of his several roles and they ask how he keeps up the good fight for all this time without burning out. I suggest it is the food he eats.


(N.B. We are yet to meet, but like many, I am familiar with his work.)

Hamish Mackay wrote:
Graeme Gerard wrote:
"If your interest is in biodynamics, you may be wondering if you are
subscribed to the right group!
Despite the numerous claims to the contrary that you may read on the
BDNow group, biodynamics is thriving, here in Australia at least.
People are using the real preps, as described and recommended by
Rudolf Steiner, as practised for decades all over the world.
Although some think this is some kind of old  school, bogged down and
in decay, it is still a living culture.
If you are interested in agriculture, biodynamics, growing food for
people to help in the recovery of the Earth, seek it out.  If you are
interested in subtle energies, radionics, homoeopathic dilutions and
such, there is a lot of very interesting information to be found on
this list.
It would be great if we could get above the contemptible slagging
that goes on about "the other" and keep the focus on the many
practical and helpful suggestions people have.
regards all,"
Yes let's keep focussed on the challenges we all face in different landscapes and different cultures.  bdnow is a wonderful tool for sharing with and supporting each other in our Biodynamic work and striving.
Yes Biodynamics is growing in Australia.  We have a number of Biodynamic associations around the country and the 2 biggest have very different cultures.  to me that matters not.  what matters is that people are "having a go". 
The second most important is that we share our experiences in the light of the laws of the free spiritual life.  when our sharing descend below this level it does no-one any credit, but even then we need to have some modesty and tolerance.  Like our Biodynamic practices we don't always get it right first go.



I recently read "Nature and our Ideals" - a letter from Rudolf Steiner to Marie delle Grazie in response to her poem "Nature"
in the preface was a quote from Rudolf Steiner's autobiography, The Course of My Life:

“I felt that I was in a spiritual atmosphere which was of genuine benefit to me.  For this purpose I did not need agreement in ideas; I needed earnest and spiritual striving humanity, susceptible to the spiritual.”




Hamish Mackay




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