We need to allow an old man to enjoy his moment of glory in the sun, thank him for his dedication and pick up the torch and do the work of the day, not criticise and try to pull apart the work that others have done.
James Hedley

Yes but we should also not be afraid to discuss and critic what they have done, so the mistakes of the past are not revisited anytime soon.
If there is one thing we should learn from the past is the danger of the personality cult, where individuals opinions and beliefs are taken as words from god and carried from one generation to the next as gospel. Hopefully there are enough people involved and enough worldwide communication going on now that the BD principalities of the past will be continually challenged.
It all about time and space. An era is ending - painfully for some -  and a new forming, hopefully characterised by a more open minded focus on practical innovations, seeing as though it is not yet a complete ART.
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