I am going to respond to your comments from your 7/12 message in 12 pt. bold.

you and I are competitors and you have no interest
in seeing me succeed at anything,

We are not competitors. I have seldom considered that I have any competition, as I cannot keep up with the work that I have and that I am being asked to do.  I spend most of my time in the field trying to learn and the other half teaching what I believe.

You may rest in peace that I have no interest in seeing you fail. Please, do not make accusations such as this in the future.

we never met
each other and don't know each other,
You and I met a few years ago at the Farm Bureau office on Piner road at the talk I gave on soil health. Mr. Topolos introduced you and let you speak in his slot.

I had interaction with you at the NC CCOF during your work with a certain Healdsburg vineyard…remember me Greg, I was president of NC CCOF and a member of the certification committee. Remember our little situation Greg?

Ralph Riva, V.P. at Wente in charge
of their vineyards, told me that you were not an
employee of Wente
I did not claim to be an employee of Wente, because I was hired in 1997 and up to current have been consultant to Mr. Riva  (my long time friend and ally in change) and Phil Wente for the entire Wente properties, including Alameda and Monterey Counties, which includes about 3,000 acres on dozens of vineyards growing black and white grapes. As I was a long time consultant for Wente when you approached them….Mr. Riva and I discussed your program before you were hired. I was in favor of you being there…as I stated. I also was consultant for the nearly 150 acres of certified organic that we had at Livermore at that time. Once again, I was responsible for, with full assistance of Mr. Riva and the entire Wente Winery organization, initiating a compost program, cover crop program, mineralization program and much other work at Wente prior to your arrival, on very significant acerage including the field to which you refer along east road.

that the vineyard you mention at
Wente was a 20 acre vineyard of Chardonnay where you
had 10 acres to work on and I had the other 10 acres
to work on. 
Like I said Greg, I know her well and had data and work on this field for many years.

After almost one year, in Ralph Riva's written
evaluation of the two side-by-side blocks, he noted
that our cover crop was more lush, despite the fact
that it had been driven over several times more than
yours and "healthier" than yours (this, he told me at
the time was in response to your critique of our cover
crop), our canopy was twice the size of yours, our
grape clusters were twice the size, had twice as many
grapes and had twice as many clusters as your side,
and that the soil temperature in the winter was 2
degrees higher on our side when compared to your side
which he said indicated a higher level of soil biotic
activity than your side had, another indicator of
better health.  In short, according to Ralph, our side
was a greater success than your 10 acre block, if it
indeed was your block.
This claim is silly (in my opinion) and is an example of what appears to be a lack of understanding of grapevines and the goals of winegrowing in general. There was no difference in the west or east split that could be seen at any time of day, in any light in my opinion. No difference in the fruit was to be found on the east side compared with the west side. You apparently do not understand that the vines were infected with Leaf Roll Virus? That is what was making the leaves have that odd unhealthy rolled appearance, Greg. It's a grapevines disease. Your don't even mention the main problem in that block which was Leaf Roll Virus Your treatments did not change the vines, in my opinion.

We were
able to save about 80% of the vines,
This is a silly claim, in my opinion. The issue in the block was ripening, not cluster count, cluster size or canopy size.

So, those are the facts about Wente.  If you want to
dispute them, I suggest you take it up with Ralph
As I have pointed out, what you have stated are not the facts and Mr. Riva not only provides the budget under which I work but is a long time friend and we followed the program that you brought very closely.

May I suggest that before you go through the litany of
all the people you think hate me, you talk to Michael
and actually go see his vineyards.  Make an evaluation
for yourself.  Then get back to me
You are misquoting me. I have not expressed, nor would I ever, suggest that anyone would hate you for the work you have done.

However, as you pointed out yourself, there were (apparently) some "spectacular failures" that you had a hand in. Greg, I live in Sonoma County. I can see the Forestville vineyard and the Sonoma Mountain vineyard from the road just fine.

I would be happy to have my methods and products
Evaluated by the best in the business.
You don't seem to realize that you have already been evaluated by the best in the business and that is why I asked you to come forward with your success and show us the results, because this has gone far enough.  You have been evaluated by the best in the business already and you don't seem to know it. Northern California has many sensitive and loving souls working for vines. I can think of 20 men and women who deserve all credit and have been practicing their craft for 30 years or more and who are improving wine quality and ecosystem health every season with the techniques that you seem to hold as boring or below you.

Biodynamic was
still in its infancy

While you're at it, how many people do you know who
have actually used our new field sprays?  How many
have you used?
After your "earlier" performances I was thoroughly convinced not to ever use anything that you produced and found no compelling reason(s) to.

Why didn't you come to Michael
Topolos' and my organic viticulture workshop a few
weeks ago?  You were invited. I haven't seen you on
the organic vineyard tour in Sonoma County.
I was not interested in attending. I have seveal clients who have attened previously. Over the past many years, I hold one (1) workshop per month, usually in the field, on the topic of soil health, disease prevention and wine quality. I teach the cover crop class at Napa Valley College and am frequent speaker at state wide and national events. I sincerely believe that that understanding health, of the ecosystem, is my job and due to my interest in the topic I find it fun to speak with those who are interested to hear and am busy.

Frankly, I have little interest (and have found little value) in the majority of "products" over the years. I used to take keen interest and still follow all products that I can …but it is the use of cultural practices, compost, cover crops, mineral balance (soil and plant) and having a heart for life that is 99% of what it takes to grow quality food and maintain balance in the ecosystem….not more products, in my opinion. It's the systematic use of fundamental techniques, technology, methods and aspiring to quality and a respect for health and life that counts most, in my opinion.

Sigh.  It's a comment on the human condition I guess,
that the people who are my worst critics don't know
me, have never met me, know nothing about my work and
have never used any of my products or methods.
I have held my tongue for a long time regarding your claims and many of us who are silent do know you. You have been evaluated Greg…and by the best that viticulture has to offer here and now. You really should detract your claim of being some sort of expert and that of having done more that anyone else because it just aint so.

I have met you in person. I have listened to some of your public "performances" such as at the Napa County Ag Commissioners meeting in Napa on GWSS. I have followed your work, for several years, both at Wente, and three other sites….you know them and refer to them yourself  (but without name) in your reply to my simple question which was the request to allow us to know where it is that you have had success.

If I understand your answer…it is at Topolos Winery that is the only location where you have success. Is that right?

It most certainly was not at Wente, nor anyplace else where I have had the opportunity to walk the fields where you have worked, to date, in my opinion.

Bob Shaffer
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