My property is being overridden with Creeping Charlie AKA Ground Ivy. This small round scalloped shape leaf with purple flowers spreads easily via runners, Plucking them from the soil usually leads to further sprouts from the remaining roots and any little bit left on soil will root.

I would like to know if minerals lacking in the soil will stimulate this plant to grow or is it inevitable to just spread?

Has anyone peppered this plant to retard growth? If so, what moon and planet signs would be best.

Pull up every scrap you can regardless of further sprouts, compost it with the compost BD preps added, then dig it back in.

Feed/correct the copper deficiency your soil has.

Talk to your local Reiki person about increasing the energy in any water you irrigate the area with. Or ask me how.

Ground ivy has an inherent bio-energy charge of 65 pytrons. Pure rainwater has a charge of 200 py. (Tell me where you are located and I will dowse your water energy from here.) Putting an energy of Rainwater*3 into the irrigation water should retard the ivy's growth if not reduce it very considerably.


Natural Earth Healing Land Management Consultant

Earthcare Environmental Solutions
PO Box 2057 Queanbeyan NSW 2620 Australia
Ph / Fax: +61 2 6255 3824
Mob: +61 410 469 541

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