For Anders from Pye

Rather let me suggest some more tolerance. Argue against ideas if you will,
but avoid attacking them. Try to see the merits in what's put forth and not
only the errors. And most of all avoid attacking persons.
Anders, lurker

Easy for you to say but then Eric didn't call you an insane babbling fool, did he?

I appreciate now that he was writing out of character but only because I have since received information about the pressures he is currently under. Normally one can only interpret from what data one has to hand.

As to your suggestion to Allan, and speaking as a longterm internet list-owner and moderator, I have to say that in my experience two of the most important things about 'running' a mailing list are that - one) there always have to be roolz about what is tolerable and what is not or what is acceptable and what is not, and - two) there will always be lurkers who know more about running lists than moderators do - primarily I think that's WHY, very sensibly, they are lurkers and NOT moderators.

PS Also I do think it would help this list to have password-protected
archives. Seems like some persons don't speak as clearly and elaborated, as
they did a few years ago. I expect one of the reasons to be that these
discussions are too public when they can be reached via Google etc.
If this is not accepted, I suggest we have two lists, one public soldiers'
list for people who want to fight and one less public philosophers' and
(hopefully) practioners' list for people who want to discuss.

This topic has already been exhaustively covered this year. Do we really have to visit it again?

Could we now get back to BD and/or radionics please, otherwise the BDNOW! subscription list will be short another member.


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