On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 6:55:38 AM UTC-6, Anguel wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1:37:02 PM UTC+1, Elena Grandi wrote:
>> This theory has a problem: Beagleboard.org was born in 2008 or so, 
>> much earlier than the Raspberry (which started to be known to the 
>> public in 2011, and was available in 2012). 
> Ok, I admit I am not much aware of the way Beagleboard.org worked before 
> the lower-cost Beaglebones were introduced, but it has always been driven 
> by marketing, initially aimed at colleges, according to Wikipedia.
> I just want to make clear that big companies don't do anything without 
> profit.
here is the thing: TI has nothing to do with beagleboard.org other than 
they sell the processors to circuitco to make the boards - that's it.....

have a quick read - http://beagleboard.org/about

>> Of course the success of the Raspberry did influence BB.org's 
>> products: back in 2008 the standard price for this kind of 
>> boards was around 150$ (e.g. the original BeagleBoard) and it had been 
>> slowly coming down to just below 100$ (e.g. the BeagleBone White): 
>> it was Raspberry and its extreme corner cutting that brought 
>> prices down below 50$, and other producers had to adapt their offerings. 
> I totally agree. Nobody would buy a BBB for $150 when you can get a 
> Raspberry Pi. But prices of other HW components have probably also dropped 
> significantly since the old days.
here is the thing: in 2007 when beagleboard was started, the only other 
open hardware platform that was available was the arduino. the idea of an 
open hardware platform was very new. in addition in 2007 you could not 
purchase an arm development platform for less than $1000USD! beagleboard 
was the FIRST arm development platform that cost less than $200 and it was 
the FIRST arm open hardware platform.... 

so.... beagleboard has been and always will be the driving force for low 
cost open hardware platforms...


> Anguel

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