On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Robert Nelson <robertcnel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks to everyone for testing the beta images!
> In this last last week window I've rolled in many of your changes.
> So please continue to use the bug tracker:
> http://bugs.elinux.org/projects/debian-image-releases
> Big Changes:
> Added support for Hieu Duong's cape-bone-weather-00B0
> Added support for Charles Steinkuehlers universal cape
> https://github.com/cdsteinkuehler/beaglebone-universal-io
> Small Changes:
> Packages added: xrdp, wicd-curses, wicd-cli
> The gadget serial port (ttyGS0) is now enabled, so you can connect
> serially over the usb connector.
> So the images are linked to from here:
> http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack_Debian#2014-03-27
> and the full changelog/tweaklog:
> http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack_Debian#2014-03-27_Changes

So, just noticed something..

"sudo halt" doesn't work with this image and it's due to systemd and
the usb gadget getty instance..

So here's a workaround:

sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty@ttyGS0.service

(force hard reboot)

sudo halt works again..

So systemd experts, how do we get sudo halt working with that service enabled?


Robert Nelson

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