On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Clément_C
<clement.christoma...@orange.fr> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> First, I'd like to thank you for all the support and the amazing work done
> on the BeagleBoneBlack.
> I'm kind of a newbie here. Got my board for a few weeks on Angstrom. I'm an
> electronic engineering student in France and for a specific project I need a
> custom built distribution.
> - The distribution needs to be minimal (no extra un-needed packages)
> - I need a RealTime kernel
> - I need a late kernel (the 3.8 doesn't have some kernel modules which I
> need). 3.14 for instance ?
> - I need gstreamer packages and gstreamer plugin packages to ship with the
> image.
> - I need to produce an image to flash the eMMC with that distro.
> I have visited a lot of pages including RobertCNelson github which looks
> really active regarding BBB kernels. I successfully upgraded to Debian
> Wheezy Kernel 3.14 using this tutorial :
> http://datko.net/2014/03/21/bbb_upgrade_3_13/
> Now I would need to generate my own image with specific packages and, most
> important, a real-time kernel. It seems that the Beaglebone github has a
> 3.8-rt branch but no 3.14-rt branch, so I guess I have to patch a "regular"
> 3.14 with RT-PREEMPT patches.
> Could someone give me some hints and how-to's for me to build such a thing ?

This should make it easy to get started..


Just fork the linux-dev repo,

checkout the am33x-v3.14 branch and un-comment the rt line at the
bottom of patch.sh


Robert Nelson

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