
You definitely make some good points, however...
I don't really feel I missed the mark completely.
So when you say 'developer', do you mean hobbyist or product developer.
If you mean hobbyist, I understand your comments completely. 
If not, that's a totally different situation entirely. If you are 
developing a product for sale, 
then I have little sympathy / empathy / whatever for not wanting to deal 
with the 
technology required to build a product. It's not cheap, easy, simple, 
_________ fill in
any of a long list of adjectives to describe the difficultly of designing a 
product much less
building a business around it to market and sell it.

One is not entirely constrained by the BBB design
in doing your own - see what comes below....

(When I say 'you' in my comments - it's not pointed at you John but a 
general you from
the community standpoint)

I personally don't see these as problems as I've been doing this my whole 
professional career.
So, yes I'm probably trivializing some of this as I don't see any of these 
items as potential
stumbling blocks.

By the BBB statements of use - this is not for commercial use. Although I 
know from speaking
with Gerald, that many are using this for commercial apps. That's also one 
of the reasons that
the supply is being gobbled up. So for those of you out there that are 
complaining about not being
able to get BBBs, blame those that are not following the licensing and 
terms of use and eating
up the supply for their commercial needs versus developing their own board.

Here's a thought for you Gerald, require your distributors/resellers to 
have a reverse discount 
model. So as the volume goes up, so does the price - this should discourage 
volume buys 
without the organization's consent, which you are suppose to have if using 
this product 
commercially, and would make the distributors happy by increasing their 
Or would require a custom 'factory' price to get a volume purchase at a 
discount to get 
around this. This is done the other way around - via product/design 
registrations all the 
time in the electronics distribution model.       Just a thought.

So really it's suppose to be either for small non-commercial projects or 
using as a shortcut
to figuring out what you need and don't to roll your own. It's not a one 
size fits all or trying
to be everything to everybody - like a lot seem to think it is or should 
be. So really the capes 
and position of connectors, to me, are really a moot point as one is not 
suppose to be relying 
on this as a product platform. If it's not where you want or need for your 
product - roll your own.

Embedded system design is not for the faint of heart. You need tools and a 
lot of patience to get
it done - education, experience, and skill doesn't hurt either. If you 
don't have the tools or skills 
needed to leverage what Gerald and Co have done here, maybe as part of your 
business model, 
you should have some budget for tools and an engineer or hire a design 
house, um maybe like 
CircuitCo or another, to help fill the void. Just a thought. If you're just 
a hobbyist, then most of 
this discussion is moot, because you should just try to make what's 
available work or develop 
a much simpler cape to do what else you need. And if that doesn't work - 
you're back to roll your
own - or find a different development platform that will support your 
needs. I even did a cape to
vet out what I wanted to do before starting my design. So, use the 
resources available to you.

Either using a SOM or not with this is probably not a project for a 
beginner. But this is also very far
from the most complicated or demanding designs I've ever done. Even doing 
an I/O board is not trivial
and that's the point I'm making. You still have a controlled impedance and 
probably controlled dielectric
PCB to design and have fab'd. The I/O board will need to be a min of 4 
layers to be able to control the 
impedances adequately and reliably. The diff pairs for the USB and Ethernet 
as well as the MII interface do  
require some work to get right - then there's the memory if you're not 
using the SOM.  As far as the 3 mil
min trace/space - the only part on their that needs this is the stupid 
eMMC. What a poor package 
design for this - following the JEDEC standard for the complete module was 
a poor choice - but I digress. 
I found a different package for my design so I didn't have to push the 
limits of reasonable board fabrication.
My design is 5 mill trace / 4 mill space - could be 5 space if I wanted to 
spend a bunch more time working 
around the processor's BGA. But 5/4+ is good enough for me - some of that 
is legacy from leveraging the
layout design / info from the BBB. My previous design was based on the 
BeagleBoard. That was a lot more
complicated design the the BBB. But I rolled my own and went away from the 
POP and did a design that
was 5/5 in 4 layers - so it is possible - just requires some effort.

*Thanks Gerald **for **at least **making my life easier.*

So, to reiterate, the SOM has it's place - they exist and some do buy them. 
I just don't think it's the really 
the market segment the BeagleBoard/Bone/Black is trying to play in and 
support - so I'm not at all surprised 
that Gerald and the developers don't want to pursue that path. Again 
leverage what Gerald has provided - he's
done a good portion of the heavy lifting - you have even been given gerbers 
to be able to get it right or even just
use what he's done in many cases. If you think the SOM is really a good 
idea, build one yourself and sell it - 
again, Gerald has provided you with what you need to even do that. Hell, if 
you want to throw some money at
me, I'd probably do the design for you - but I don't have much time for 
such endeavors - so the money would 
have to be larger for me to even consider it - I'm rather busy designing 
and building and marketing my own
products to industry.

As a community, do your homework/research - do your own due diligence - 
then go down the path that will work
for your needs. There are a lot of people around here who are willing to 
help solve problems - show what they've
done and help you get down the your path - whatever that might be. Just 
don't be surprised when Gerald gets
tired / fed-up / or worse when he's kept on being asked to fit square pegs 
into round holes so this organization can
become everything to everyone.

I wish everyone in the community the best of luck in their endeavors.

On Wednesday, June 4, 2014 3:47:50 PM UTC-5, john3909 wrote:
> I think you missed the most important part. Most developers here are not 
> able or do not want to deal with 6 layer boards with 3 mil trace and 
> spacing (high tech boards). Working with 2 or 4 layer boards with 5 or 6 
> mil trace and space (standard tech boards) is low cost (< $40 in small 
> prototype qty). As you pointed out, the cost to prototype and manufacture 6 
> layer high tech boards is expensive and requires a high level of expertise 
> to make any modifications. As you know the cape concept doesn’t always work 
> because of the I/O conflict between capes but it would be easier to develop 
> a standard tech board with all the I/O designed to work together. Also, the 
> position of the connectors on the BBB may not be suitable for a specified 
> enclosure so a module would provide that flexibility as well. 
> Just my two cents worth to add a little balance to your comments. 
> Regards,
> John
> From: CEinTX < <javascript:>>
> Reply-To: < <javascript:>>
> Date: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 6:41 AM
> To: < <javascript:>>
> Subject: Re: [beagleboard] Do as Raspberry - Make a Beaglebone Black - 
> Compute Module !? - Why not
> Being a design engineer for close to 30 years now - doing mostly embedded 
> systems - I don't really see the appeal to this approach.
> So - they (R-Pi) are saying the module is $30 in qty 100. A Pi is $35 - a 
> little more if you want an SD card. The BBB is $45.
> So a compute module based on the BBB might be $35-40 based on the price 
> difference, I don't know.
> Let me get this straight, your paying just about as much just for the 
> processor and memory as you can get a complete system.
> But you say, I want to develop my own. OK - you've just paid someone else 
> to do the processor side - you still have to have a
> connector to make that connection to your processor. Then you get to 
> design and build your specific I/O card.
> That, I'm sure, will be easier but at what cost. What's going to be more 
> reliable in the long run, a system with or without that connector?
> If you've got to do the design anyway, why not save the money and keep it 
> in your pocket.
> From my experience, the people who benefit the most from the compute 
> module/ SOM approach are for those who know they need a long
> time system life and also know that they will need to upgrade the 
> processor and memory capabilities down the road. Of course you also
> need to be willing to accept what processor and memory choices they've 
> made - who knows maybe they will have different options for
> different memory sizes and speeds.
> The most common place I've seen this approach in the past was with VME and 
> Multibus systems. These are expensive systems to begin with.
> So it makes sense to be able to upgrade a portion of the system at a lower 
> cost. The only other option for this being a benefit is if someone already
> has an I/O card that meets your requirements. Then it's off to the races. 
> How much is that I/O module? I didn't see a price, hum. Bet the two 
> combined are more than $35-$45. Also, is the compute module / SOM done to 
> a standard so that you can replace it with another down the road - even
> a different architecture?
> I have done the cost analysis many times and most embedded systems do not 
> need the ability to upgrade the processor and memory down the road.
> They usually have a specific purpose and once designed to that will 
> function that way for the life of the product.
> I understand that doing the processor and memory design on an embedded 
> system can be tough, challenging even, but Gerald and Co have already done
> the lion's share of the work - leverage that effort.
> I do small runs on my projects all the time. In fact my current project is 
> an industrial temp spin on the BBB. Not 100% compatible, but that's the 
> point.
> I'm priced out, for components and pcb, at less than $80 - I couldn't 
> justify spending $30-$40 for the processor and memory and still have to do 
> the rest.
> Additional costs - NRE for stencils and production programming is 
> estimated at $500. Not sure what assembly/test costs will be yet, but I 
> expect ~$20-30
> hopefully less. Yes, I'm just about to do my prototype on the board - so 
> I'll soon get to see what the actual costs are.
> So cost each for the 1st batch of 100 will be ~$110. Not too shabby for an 
> I-temp board in that quantity. Future runs will be less without the NRE 
> costs
> and hopefully larger build quantities. Of course there are engineering 
> costs to be absorbed too, but that's an exercise for the accounting people 
> to
> figure out what budget that belongs to.
> So, yes the compute modules / SOMs are cool ideas and have their place - 
> but they are not that cost effective for most. So do your homework and see
> if that approach will work for you and what you need. I suspect that the 
> PI community will not see the compute module as widely bought / accepted as 
> the
> base R-PI. I do suspect the the R-PI and the BBB will see strong sales as 
> a base platform at those price points.
> Good luck in all your endeavors.
> On Wednesday, June 4, 2014 7:17:20 AM UTC-5, Gerald wrote:
>> We are not interested in getting into the module business as a 
>> BeagleBoard branded device. Feel free to do it yourself however. All the 
>> information is there. Some people have already made these modules and 
>> are out there in the market in various forms..
>> Gerald
>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 8:00 PM, <> wrote:
>>> I think the Raspberry idea of a compute module is a brilliant one. Now 
>>> they will be able to sell, not just to individuals but also to industry. 
>>> They will probably reach 5 mill. boards produced before the end of the year.
>>> Why not do the same with Beaglebone. The profit margins could probably 
>>> be higher then on the Beaglebone Black and each extra $ could help get rid 
>>> of the terrible shortage of  Beaglebone Black boards - that never seams to 
>>> go away.
>>> Accept that the Beaglebone Black is a huge success and that you probably 
>>> have to produce at last 50.000 boards a month to cope with the huge demand. 
>>> In the long run we'll all probably get tired of waiting for boards, and 
>>> eventually be forced to turn our attention to something else.
>>> /Bo
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