You do use the /var/www directory for apache. The problem, as someone else 
mentioned, is that there is another webserver running on it out of the box, 
so you need to disable it and the associated mess with systemctl:

systemctl disable cloud9.service
systemctl disable gateone.service
systemctl disable bonescript.service
systemctl disable bonescript.socket
systemctl disable bonescript-autorun.service
systemctl disable avahi-daemon.service
systemctl disable gdm.service
systemctl disable mpd.service

Now we can use the beaglebone more like a headless linux machine. Last time 
I played with it, apache was already installed (!) but running on an 
alternate port. So lets fix that - open /etc/apache2/ports.conf and change 

NameVirtualHost *:8080 
Listen 8080

to this:

NameVirtualHost *:80
Listen 80

Save it and restart apache:

apachectl graceful

Then you should see the "It works!" page by navigating to the beaglebone's 
IP address. Apache runs just fine on the beaglebone - much faster than the 
pentium II that I used to to learned linux on...

On Saturday, June 7, 2014 12:07:15 AM UTC-5, Michael Thompson wrote:
> I flashed Debian to the eMMC and it seems to be working fine. My plan is 
> to host a small web page using Apache. I installed Apache and using the IP 
> address the BeagleBone 101 loads fine from outside my network.
> So, my question is, in what directory do I save my index.html file in 
> order to see it as the default page served by Apache? There are no files in 
> the /var/www/ directory so I am confused. On my Linux Mint (Debian edition) 
> all I had to do was save my index file in the www directory.
> Anyone know where I am going wrong?
> Thanks!!

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