Hi, I always used beaglebone white before, and I bought a new BBB one week 
I followed steps on https://eewiki.net/display/linuxonarm/BeagleBone+Black  
to start with my BBB (so does Beaglebone white),
However, my computer cannot detect ttyUSB0 through USB socket, but LEDs on 
BBB can blink. It seems microSD works.
I followed the steps on eewiki except "usb gadget",  "HDMI", "eMMC", and 
"SGX" parts.

I also followed steps for beaglebone white on eewiki  and *that works*. 
(Debian, v3.8,  my Ubuntu can detect ttyUSB0 correctly, so I guess that is 
not problem of file system or kernel or my host PC.)

I don't know what happened to my beaglebone black, I guess that the problem 
comes from inittab or uEnv.txt, but I have no idea how to deal with it. (my 
BBB is Rev.C).

If I eject my microSD form BBB, my host PC can detect ttyACM0 (that is a 
system on eMMC), but I have to use a recompiled kernel rather than Debian 
on eMMC.


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