Oh forgot to mention on the hardware side I'm powering the BBB with a 5V 
10amp supply so there should be no power issues at all (it's a bit of a 
monster supply).

On Friday, August 22, 2014 12:10:00 AM UTC-7, Tony DiCola wrote:
> Hey all, I've been trying to track down why my wifi dongle doesn't work 
> reliably on boot and think I've narrowed it down to the drivers in the 
> official Debian 3.8 kernel being old and buggy.
> First, the hardware I'm using:
> - Rev C BeagleBone Black, running the official Debian image from here: 
> http://beagleboard.org/latest-images
> (side question, is the 5-14-2014 image on that page really the most recent 
> official Debian build?)
> - Wifi dongle is an Edimax 7811Un, which is a RTL8192CU chipset.  Very 
> popular and works perfectly with a Raspberry Pi.
> - Yes I'm aware of the HDMI ground and power plane issue with wifi 
> dongles, I have the wifi dongle attached to a small USB hub that moves it 
> away from the BBB.
> My problem is that the wifi connection never reliably starts on boot.  I 
> always have to log in and run ifdown wlan0 & ifup wlan0 to get it to 
> connect.  My /etc/network/interfaces is configured in the standard way to 
> access my AP (exactly how I've configured Raspberry Pi's which work fine), 
> and for completeness the block of config looks like:
> # WiFi Example
> auto wlan0
> allow-hotplug wlan0
> iface wlan0 inet dhcp
>     wpa-ssid "my AP name"
>     wpa-psk  "my password"
> I ran some experiments to reboot the BBB (just using the reboot command) 
> multiple times and count how often the wifi connection would come up 
> successfully on boot.  The results were not good, here's what I saw:
> - With "auto wlan0" and "allow-hotplug wlan0" in /etc/network/interfaces 6 
> out of 13 attempts succeeded: success rate of 46%.
> - With only "auto wlan0" in /etc/network/interfces 8 out of 13 attempts 
> succeeded: success rate of 62%.
> - With the dongle connected directly to the USB port (i.e. not through the 
> hub) only 4 out of 13 attempts succeeded: success rate of 31%.
> I did all I could to find any information from dmesg and syslog for the 
> failed attempts, but there's no info there.  When the connection works on 
> boot I see messages about the RTL8192CU module and then the wlan connection 
> coming up.  When the connection does not work I see the same messages about 
> the RTL8192CU module but none of the wlan connection messages.  There are 
> no errors or failures at all in the log.  It really feels like a timing or 
> internal issue with the RTL module.  If there is some other log I should be 
> looking at please let me know and I will check it out.
> For comparison I ran the same test with the same wifi adapter on a 
> Raspberry Pi running the latest Raspbian OS image.  It worked fine and 
> brought the wifi connection up all 13 times, success rate of 100%.
> At this point I was really confused why the BBB could not reliably bring 
> up a wifi connection at boot.  Looking a little closer the big obvious 
> difference between the BBB and Pi is the kernel version.  On the Pi it's 
> using kernel 3.15.3 whereas the BBB is running the 3.8 kernel.  Looking at 
> the RTL8192CU source on kernel.org I can't find the 3.8 kernel source, 
> but at least comparing the 3.10 kernel to mainline there are quite a few 
> fixes in the more recent kernels but not in the older ones.
> To really confirm it was the 3.8 kernel I used Robert Nelson's upgrade 
> script to take my BBB to the 3.15.10-bone7 kernel (script from here 
> https://rcn-ee.net/deb/wheezy-armhf/v3.15.10-bone7/).  After upgrading 
> the kernel I ran the same reboot test and surprise, surprise the BBB 
> brought up the wifi connection 13 out of 13 times, success rate of 100%.
> So long story short it seems like at least for Realtek adapters the 
> official Debian image's 3.8 kernel has some serious issues.  I'm curious is 
> this a known issue or something being worked on right now?  
> I noticed on the BBB kernel github there was just recently a commit 
> yesterday to add perhaps a backport of later RTL8192CU drivers to the 3.8 
> kernel (looking at 
> https://github.com/beagleboard/linux/tree/3.8/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8192cu 
> ).  Is this true that later RTL wifi drivers are being ported back to the 
> 3.8 kernel?
> Finally, is there any suggestion for what folks who use the RTL8192CU or 
> other RTL wifi adapters should do to use them right now on the BBB?  Is the 
> 3.15.10-bone7 kernel stable enough for normal use? (like using GPIO, 
> loading and unloading device tree overlays, etc)
> For better or worse the Realtek wifi adapters are quite common (folks like 
> Adafruit only sell Realtek wifi adapters because they are known to work 
> with the Pi) and many folks coming to the BBB from the Pi are likely trying 
> to use them.  I have a feeling many of the issues people have getting wifi 
> to work with the BBB are related to problems with the 3.8 kernel driver.

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