thanks michael my buzzer is stop :)

Le mercredi 3 septembre 2014 22:09:28 UTC+2, Michael M a écrit :
> Mixing digitalWrite and analogWrite could be the problem. Try disabling 
> the buzzer by setting the PWM duty cycle to 0:
> if(data =='stop'){
>         b.analogWrite(S_13,0,3);
>         console.log('stop buzz');
>     };
> On Wednesday, September 3, 2014 12:14:31 PM UTC-7, 
> wrote:
>> I all,
>> I success my test outpout buzz .
>> I have a 3 buttons "low frequance (on)", "hight frequence(off)", " stop 
>> sound".
>> I use io.sockets
>> Saisissez io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
>>   socket.on('led', function (data) {
>>     console.log(data);
>>     if(data =='stop'){
>>         b.digitalWrite(S_13,b.HIGH);
>>         console.log('stop buzz');
>>     };
>>     if (data == 'on'){
>>         b.analogWrite(S_13,1/2,3);
>>           //socket.emit('ledstatus', 'green');
>>           //socket.broadcast.emit('ledupdate', 'green');
>>     }else{
>>                b.analogWrite(S_13,1/2,200);
>>         //socket.emit('ledstatus', 'red');
>>          //socket.broadcast.emit('ledupdate', 'red');
>>     }
>>   });
>> });
>> if I clik low buzz and hight buzz is ok ,
>> but if I want stop buzzer, the buzzer not stop Why ?
>> console log is display stop buzz when i click stop 
>> console log is display on when i click on
>> console log is display off when i click off
>> I try configure S_13 too HIGH but is have the PWM in this poin.
>> How I can do ?
>> thank's for reply how i can stop the buzzer

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