Have you fried the chip, with an overvoltage?

Em segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2014 05h12min08s UTC-3, Anshuman Rajwar 
> Hello
> I am trying to control an AD7490 16 channel ADC using spi0 on the 
> beaglebone black, currently I am using a very simple code where all I want 
> to do is get the ADC to read first channel i.e (channel 0) and return the 
> value it gets, however it seems that the only two values that AD7490 
> returns are 255 and 16.  Below is the code I am using
> #!/usr/bin/python
> from Adafruit_BBIO.SPI import SPI
> import time
> spi = SPI(0,0)
> spi.msh=1000
> spi.open(0,0)
> spi.bpw=16
> keepRunning=True
> n=0
> def readVoltages(n):
>     print("\n"+"talking to the ADC")
>     readings=spi.xfer([65535,65535,(2097<<4)])
>     print("output from first one"+"\n")
>     print(readings)
>     print("\n")
>     print("I am awake now")
>     print("\n")
>     readings=spi.xfer([(2097<<4)])
>     print("This is what processor gave back "+"\n")
>     print(readings)
>     print("This is what the reading is "+"\n")
>     print(readings[0]&4095)
>     print("\n")
>     adcOutput=readings[0]&4095
>     n+=1
>     return adcOutput,readings,n
> while(keepRunning):
>     adcOutput, readings,n=readVoltages(n)
>     y_or_n=raw_input("Should I run again??")
>     print("\n"+y_or_n)
>     if(y_or_n is "n"):
>         keepRunning=False
>     n+=1;
> print "I finished **********************"
> spi.close()
> Below is my output 
> talking to the ADC
> output from first one
> [255, 255, 16]
> I am awake now
> This is what processor gave back 
> [16]
> This is what the reading is 
> 16
> Should I run again??n
> n
> I finished **********************
> The structure of the control register of AD7490 is below
> 11           10         9      8        7         6        5     4         
>  3           2                 1               0
> The word size is 16 bits so when I want to program this ADC to read only 
> first channel I send 
> 2097<<4. But I always get 16, it does not matter whether I am applying any 
> voltage to the ADC or not.
> Please help me, its a very simple code and I cant think of a reason that 
> it is not working.

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