On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Matias Garcia <maati.gar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all. First, sorry my bad english. I am having a problem that is killing
> me. I flashed ARM debian on a SD (4gb) and always I must to press USR button
> to boot from SD card. Yes, ALWAYS! I don't know if it is a firmware problem,
> SD problem or a power problem. This BBB is the second I have on production.
> The first works OK; once I boot from SD, it boots always. The first BBB I
> flashed debian-7.4-console-armhf-2014-04-18.tar image; the second
> debian-7.6-console-armhf-2014-08-13.tar image. Both downloaded from the link
> that http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardDebian provides.

I guess you failed to notice this note in the directions:

"Black: NOTE: You'll need to hold the BOOT button on powerup..."

>From the fat partition just rename "bbb-uEnv.txt" to "uEnv.txt" and
it''l boot just fine..

> No matter if I power up the BBB with USB on my laptop or DC Power Supply
> (2.5A), or both. Always the FIRST TIME I POWER UP I must to press USR button
> for boot from SD. Then BBB: turns on D2, D3, D4 user leds, D5 keep turned
> off, led ethernet port blink softly, and nothing more happens. On display
> (4DCAPE43-T) on black screen without showing Tux splashscreen and everything
> else... If If I disconnect USB or DC Power supply, and reset, BBB boots from
> SD (by RESETs, POWERs BUTTONS on board, or by commands on console). BUT If I
> remove totally current from BBB and reconnect any, then I must to press USR
> button.
> The idea is not flash EEPROM with the seem image from SD, because I think it
> works like a life guard. Also I'm scared that bricks the BBB.
> I am exhaust. No have concrete idea what it must to be. Any more, answer me
> plsssssss. Thanxx in advance.-

btw, the image i posted (12 hours ago 2014-10-29) has better support
for the 4dcape43-t

Just open /boot/uEnv.txt

and add:




Robert Nelson

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