I am running on 4DCape43 LCD on Debian BBB and added 

xset -dpms
xset s off

to .xsessionrc file in user's home directory and this prevents my LCD from 
blanking after a period.


On Saturday, January 18, 2014 at 10:02:10 PM UTC-6, blueboatjc wrote:
> Hi, I have tried this on my Beagle Bone Black, but it doesn't work.  I'm 
> assuming it's because I'm not using the HDMI port.  Instead I'm using 4D 
> Systems 4DCape-43 Touchscreen.  Do you have any advice or ideas on how to 
> get this to work?
> On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 3:10:26 PM UTC-5, cody wrote:
>> Try this, and let me know if it works.
>> **************************
>> Prevent Monitor Sleep
>> **************************
>> Add the following to /etc/X11/xorg.conf then reboot.
>> Section "ServerFlags"
>> Option "BlankTime" "0"
>> Option "StandbyTime" "0"
>>  Option "SuspendTime" "0"
>> Option "OffTime" "0"
>> EndSection
>> Section "Monitor"
>>  Option "DPMS" 
>> Identifier      "Builtin Default Monitor"
>> EndSection
>> On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 1:23 PM, <jimmyj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Saturday, August 31, 2013 1:40:26 PM UTC-4, Don Miller wrote:
>>>> There is some FAQ stuff related to this (link below).  If you try it, 
>>>> could you report back?  This was an issue for me a month or so ago, but I 
>>>> moved on to other things and have not had a chance to play with this.
>>>> http://circuitco.com/support/index.php?title=BeagleBone_
>>>> Black_FAQ#Is_there_a_way_to_prevent_my_HDMI_monitor_from_
>>>> sleeping_while_using_my_BBB.3F
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Don
>>> I too need to have the HDMI output not blank out, and am having 
>>> problems.  Using the link that you provided, I did the following:
>>> - I went to */media/BEAGLEBONE* where */dev/mmcblk0p1* was mounted.
>>> - I edited *uEnv.txt* changing it from: 
>>> *optargs=quiet drm.debug=7*
>>>     to
>>> *optargs=quiet drm.debug=7 consoleblank=0*
>>> then rebooted the system.  To my dismay, after ten minutes, the HDMI 
>>> output still blanked out.
>>> *(I also tried adding consoleblank=0 with double quotes around it as 
>>> shown in the provided link, but no luck.)*
>>> I did discover that the other part of information from that link does 
>>> work.
>>> When SSHed into the BBB, issuing this command:
>>> *   echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank *
>>> does take turn the HDMI output back on.
>>> Did I do something wrong with that consoleblank=0 line in uEnv.txt?  I 
>>> also tried adding it to the uEnv.txt file in the /boot partition.
>>> Thanks,
>>>    Jim
>>> -- 
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