@John D

Which kernel version are you running on the black ? kernel version 3.14.x
is supposed to bring some USB, and ethernet improvements over kernel
version 3.8.x. However, I'm not sure what exactly these improvement are.
Anyhow, it was a thought while reading your post. I do know that early on
with kernel 3.8.x if you tried to hotplug ethernet or USB, you'd get a
kernel panic. Symptoms similar to what you're explaining here, You'd try to
hotplug, everything would work fine for around a minute, then the board /
system would just freeze.

Another thought that I had was that you may be powering over USB only ?
Perhaps you are not getting enough power.

You can always try:

*$ sudo dmesg | less*


*$ tail /var/log/messages*

To see what may be happening. If that does not work, then maybe you can use
*strace* to debug candump.


On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 11:07 AM, John Dammeyer <jo...@autoartisans.com>

> I'm a little late on this discussion but since I have lots of CAN
> experience and I'm also working on getting CAN working on my Beagle so I
> thought I'd jump in.
> I bought the Logic Supply CBB_Serial with the on board CAN driver.
> I followed the instructions on page 14 of their Serial Cape Manual with
> the only exception that I had to change to
> git clone https://github.com/linux-can/can-utils.git from the git://
> gitorious.org site.
> I've always suggested when working with CAN in embedded systems the
> easiest solution is to have on hand one working functional CAN module.
> Ideally something like a CANUSB from Lawicel or one of the other dongles.
> The ability to generate well formed correctly timed messages can save you
> hours of time.
> Since I had a working system I set the bit rate up to 250kbps becauseI was
> attaching to a CANOpen system.  I'd done the ip link command at the start
> of the instruction sheet and now had to first
> ifconfig can0 down
> then redo the bit rate
> ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 250000
> finally
> ifconfig can0 up
> Imagine my surprise when I got a dump of the correct messages after
> running
> candump can0.
> Next step was to attach onto a project with custom CAN messages running
> 1Mbps.   Same process but with 1000000 for bit rate.
> In this case the host sends a block of messages for RGBW LED Lamp
> intensity to nodes 2 through 96 in even ID# increments because the odd node
> also receives the even node message and uses the second 4 bytes of each
> message for LED information.
> Once every loop it waits a bit, then sends out a request to one specific
> node for node status; like temperature and bus voltage.  Then starts the
> whole refresh cycle again.  The example from candump is below.
> root@beaglebone:~# candump -t d -n 12000 can0 >logfile_can.txt
> root@beaglebone:~# nano logfile_can.txt
>  (000.000124)  can0  290   [8]  FC D3 40 FF FC D3 40 FF
>  (000.000126)  can0  294   [8]  FC D3 40 FF FC D3 40 FF
>  (000.000113)  can0  298   [8]  FC D3 40 FF FC D3 40 FF
>  (000.000110)  can0  296   [8]  FC D3 40 FF FC D3 40 FF  <-- last node
> polled
>  (000.001741)  can0  446   [1]  28  <-- Command for lamp status.
>  (000.008456)  can0  546   [8]  28 D3 28 02 00 00 77 70  <-- Reply from
> lamp 0x46
>  (000.020936)  can0  202   [8]  FC D3 40 FF FC D3 40 FF  <-- polling
> starts again.
>  (000.000085)  can0  204   [8]  FC D3 40 FF FC D3 40 FF
>  (000.000140)  can0  208   [8]  FC D3 40 FF FC D3 40 FF
> However, I'm running into problems that completely crash the beagle.  I
> run candump continuously rather than for a set number of messages.   The 4
> leds freeze. A power cycle is the only solution.
> This happens when I use PuTTY from my WIN7 PC and the USB port and after a
> while the messages stop and it locks up.  That could be a Windows problem
> since the USB port interface could lock up the beagle.
> Next step was hard wired Ethernet to and PuTTY.  Now it
> appears to run without issues messages streaming by.
> But, if I try to open any other session into the beagle via web and Cloud
> 9 I can get in but at some point the system locks up and freezes.
> Especially if I close the browser.
> My first guess is I shouldn't be running candump as root since the cloud 9
> also logs in as root.  Can it be as simple as that?  But why would the
> system lock up?
> --
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