i am having the same wifi issue with the beagleboard-xm. Can you please 
tell me which interface in /etc/network/interfaces did you use?
I have already copied all the required .bin files to the 
/lib/firmware/rtlwifi directory. But i still can,t see any light on the 
dongle nor any wifi connections.
Please help.

On Monday, March 31, 2014 at 12:20:47 AM UTC+2, eluci...@gmail.com wrote:
> This got me on the path to success, I needed to copy the rtlwifi folder 
> inside the git (linux-firmware/rtlwifi/*) to /lib/firmware 
> (/lib/firmware/rtlwifi/*) for my wifi dongle (Edimax ew-7811un).
> Lots of messing around with the /etc/network/interfaces file to get it to 
> auto start wlan0 properly but I was able to successfully get a wifi ssh 
> connection with no ethernet cable connected.
> On Monday, 8 October 2012 20:06:42 UTC-4, RobertCNelson wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Amadeus Bachmann 
>> <satanas...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > Robert, first of all I would like to thank you for spending time on my 
>> > problem and helping me: 
>> > 
>> > I did as you said and here are the outputs: 
>> > 
>> > root@beagleboard:~# cd /lib/firmware/ 
>> > root@beagleboard:/lib/firmware# git clone 
>> > git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/ker 
>> > nel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git 
>> > Initialized empty Git repository in /lib/firmware/linux-firmware/.git/ 
>> Crap, i knew that would happen after reading what i sent.. the "." at 
>> the end turned to a new line.. 
>> mv /lib/firmware/linux-firmware/r*.bin /lib/firmware/ 
>> and they'll be in the right place. ;) 
>> (after moving them, you can remove  /lib/firmware/linux-firmware/ to 
>> save space..) 
>> > remote: Counting objects: 1817, done. 
>> > remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1116/1116), done. 
>> > remote: Total 1817 (delta 944), reused 1336 (delta 671) 
>> > Receiving objects: 100% (1817/1817), 34.25 MiB | 80 KiB/s, done. 
>> > Resolving deltas: 100% (944/944), done. 
>> > Checking out files: 100% (586/586), done. 
>> > 
>> > root@beagleboard:/lib/firmware# ls 
>> > edgeport  keyspan_pda     mts_edge.fw  ti_3410.fw  whiteheat.fw 
>> > emi26     linux-firmware  mts_gsm.fw   ti_5052.fw  whiteheat_loader.fw 
>> > emi62     mts_cdma.fw     omap4        vicam 
>> > 
>> > root@beagleboard:~# lsmod 
>> > Module                  Size  Used by 
>> > rfcomm                 33484  0 
>> > ircomm_tty             30305  0 
>> > ircomm                 16429  1 ircomm_tty 
>> > irda                  162973  2 ircomm_tty,ircomm 
>> > ipv6                  249063  14 
>> > hidp                   11193  0 
>> > l2cap                  30104  4 rfcomm,hidp 
>> > bluetooth              49221  3 rfcomm,hidp,l2cap 
>> > rfkill                 14838  1 bluetooth 
>> > minix                  25759  0 
>> > mt9t112                 9246  0 
>> > 
>> Regards, 
>> -- 
>> Robert Nelson 
>> http://www.rcn-ee.com/ 

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