
for last 2 weeks I had hard time to figure out how in the hell can bus 
works :D I got true it and at-least I'm getting something from can bus line 
when I turn the devices on. I'm not sure what it is yet :D.

However I have measured the can bus line and found there is 120Ohm resistor 
... it took me about week to research and tons of testing to find out. How 
should I connect the line and good there is soo much of "unuseful"(***** 
some bad words) informations out there. An other week I spend working with 
BeagleBone Black rev C to get can bus working and once and again there is 
tons of "unuseful" informations. But again got it working :D

How ever when I prepare the can interface, run the candump and the turn 
devices on. I get this:
... 0x705 [1] 00
... 0x706 [1] 00
... 0x707 [1] 00
... 0x708 [1] 00

On the line there are 4 motors that are control by 4 Whistle 5/60 from Elmo 
Motion Control. So the 705 706 707 708 should be the can id's. Is that 
After checking on the can interface I see there is some Rx going on.
So after reading so "much" information that is out there I start trying to 
send some information on can bus line:
cansend can1 000#81.00
This should do NMT Reset. Right after that I check stats. and see there is 
more Rx no Tx and see that the there is 1 dropped on Tx line and all the 
interface get restarted(I got tired of doing it manually so I set the 
restart-ms to 100ms). and on oscilloscope connected to can bus line I 
didn't see any changes but on pin 26 (on the BBB) I had something that was 
send to can transceiver.

Can some please help me figure out what am I doing wrong? 

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