I am currently struggling to get SPI enabled on my Beaglebone Black. I am 
running the most recent Debian distribution and have tried just about every 
conceivable way to try and get SPI enabled. The reason why I want to get 
SPI enabled is so that I can use the TRF7960/A RFID reader from TI. A few 
years ago, a group of TI interns developed a cape particularly for this 
reader (http://elinux.org/BeagleBone_Black_RFID_Adaptor_Cape) and posted 
their code as well as their device tree overlay on Github (
https://github.com/shengzhao91/RFID_Adaptor_Cape). I have tried their 
instructions as well as the generic ones that are available on e-linux with 
no success, I have the Beaglebone hooked up to an oscilloscope to test if 
any data is sent and so far I have not been able to see anything. 
Furthermore, as far as I can tell, I am not able to enable SPI 0.0. When I 
try, it shows up as either spidev1.0 or spidev2.0 depending on if I enabled 
it after SPI 1.0.

Output from "uname -a":

> root@beaglebone:~# uname -a
> Linux beaglebone 3.8.13-bone70 #1 SMP Fri Jan 23 02:15:42 UTC 2015 armv7l 
> GNU/Linux

Please help, thank you.

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