Looks like you missed a response.


On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 10:23 AM, Fohnbit <gedo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> Maybe I found a problem. I put my Image on the uSD and flash again. The
> Log:
> http://pastebin.com/HiZR9USh
> Here I see now:
> Running /dev/mmcblk0p1/autorun.sh...<\r><\n>
> dd: writing '/dev/mmcblk1': No space left on device<\r><\n>
> 0+115617 records in<\r><\n>
> 0+115616 records out<\r><\n>
> [  373.638162] EXT3-fs (mmcblk1p2): error: couldn't mount because of
> unsupported optional features (240)<\r><\n>
> [  373.649135] EXT2-fs (mmcblk1p2): error: couldn't mount because of
> unsupported optional features (244)<\r><\n>
> [  373.660107] EXT4-fs (mmcblk1p2): bad geometry: block count 933632
> exceeds size of device (909056 blocks)<\r><\n>
> [  373.673511] F2FS-fs (mmcblk1p2): Magic Mismatch, valid(0xf2f52010) -
> read(0x39180)<\r><\n>
> [  373.681473] F2FS-fs (mmcblk1p2): Can't find a valid F2FS
> filesystem<\r><\n>
> mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk1p2 on /mnt failed: Invalid argument<\r><\n>
> /etc/init.d/S99autorun: /mnt/autorun.sh: line 12: ed: not found<\r><\n>
> umount: can't umount /mnt: Device or resource busy<\r><\n>
> <\r><\r><\n>
> Welcome to Buildroot<\r><\n>
> <\r>beaglebone login:
> This mean the eMMC is to small??
> I made the Image from the element14 BBB with:
>  #!/bin/sh
> echo timer > /sys/class/leds/beaglebone\:green\:usr0/trigger
> #un-comment the following line to perform a backup
> #dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=16M | gzip -c > /mnt/BBB-eMMC-$RANDOM.img.gz
> #un-comment the following 6 lines to perform a restore (be sure to replace
> XXXXX with your image name)
> gunzip -c /mnt/BBB-eMMC-2510.img.gz | dd of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=16M
> UUID=$(/sbin/blkid -c /dev/null -s UUID -o value /dev/mmcblk1p2)
> mkdir -p /mnt
> mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /mnt
> ed -i "s/^uuid=.*\$/uuid=$UUID/" /mnt/boot/uEnv.txt
> umount /mnt
> sync
> echo default-on > /sys/class/leds/beaglebone\:green\:usr0/trigger
> (of course comment the correct lines)
> Can someone confirm this?
> And when yes ... why I was able to flash the element14 BBB?
> Thanks to ALL!
> --
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