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The host is BBB running the Angstrom distribution Angstrom Distribution 
(BeagleBone Black - 2GB eMMC) 2013-09-04.I am trying to cross compile curl 
code for the host.

I am running the GCC cross compiler (arm-linux-gnueabi) inside Eclipse 
under Ubuntu 14.04 on Intel 32 bit machine.

It seems that the BBB comes with glibc-2.17 It seems that my eclipse 
project running with GCC cross tool chain comes with glibc-2.19

As long as I compile simple programs, things compile and run.

As soon as I start to do curl programming for HTTP post I get run time 
errors. "/lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.17' not found (required by 

Can I update the BeagleBone black glibc-2.19 without breaking other things 
in the distribution?

Kindly guide me to solve glibc build.

On Thursday, 10 April 2014 18:07:31 UTC+5:30, A P wrote:
> I hope someone out there can help.
> I have a BBB just updated to the latest firmware. My version on the BBB of 
> LIBC6 is v2.16. I am compiling a project in Eclipse which if I include the 
> line
>     clkerr=clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&UDPstartTime);      
> Builds successfully. When however I launch via the GDB debugger I get the 
> error :
> Remote debugging from host
> /home/root/test/test: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.17' not found 
> (required by /home/root/test/test)
> Child exited with status 1
> GDBserver exiting
> If I comment out the clock_gettime function the program runs and I can 
> debug.
> I cannot find a later version of LIBC6 (2.17 or greater) for Angstrom 
> distribution. Or is there another solution or am I barking up the wrong 
> tree.
> I am running Eclipse from a Windows 7 PC. The Cross compiler is 
> gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.8-2013.09_win32

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