All of a sudden, I'm getting garbled console output. Not always, but frequently.

This is a "fresh" BBB that I got a while back but haven't used. After I fried 
my other BBB, I moved everything over to this one, but didn't flash the eMMC.

If I boot without an SD card, it's garbled.

If I boot with an SD card but don't hold down the button, it boots from the 
eMMC and things are garbled.

If I boot with an SD card that has (my non-flasher Debian image) and hold the 
button, it boots correctly.

If I boot with an SD card that has the 10/9 console flasher image) and hold the 
button, it boots correctly. Then I let go of the button and it started spewing 
garbage (did I let go to soon? The flasher was executing; I could see the 
cyclon pattern):

Running uenvcmd ...
1163 bytes read in 41 ms (27.3 KiB/s)
debug: [/boot/vmlinuz-4.1.10-ti-r21] ...
8280456 bytes read in 487 ms (16.2 MiB/s)
debug: [/boot/initrd.img-4.1.10-ti-r21] ...
3948009 bytes read in 247 ms (15.2 MiB/s)
debug: [/boot/dv�����={�����o����oac����}���/ etc etc etc

The flash seems to have succeeded and now all is well, but I'd like to 
understand what mode it got itself into.

Also, I'm not precisely sure where in the boot process it checks for the 
button. Now that it's flashed, it will boot from the SD card first without me 
holding the button. Before, it wouldn't (I had to hold the button).


Rick Mann

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