> *Hi William,*
> *I don’t want to prompt an argument here, but I am curious. Where is it
> that you believe Windows adds value here? I accept that you have a windows
> machine, but why not run Debian or Ubuntu on Virtualbox or VMWare and avoid
> all the complications of Windows? I use OSX for all my
> Nodejs/Angularjs/HTML development and then I use Ubuntu for my embedded
> development. The only reason I use Windows is to run Solidworks and Altium,
> and my only hope is that one day I can run these on OSX or Linux. *
> *Regards,*
> *John*

Like wulf said, you misunderstood what I was saying.  I have two systems
that are completely dedicated to Beaglebone development. Both run Debian
wheezy, and one is i386, where the other is x64. Both are headless, and do
not run any GUI garbage at all. Why 2 ? Imagine for a minute compiling the
kernel from a 8-12G tmpfs . . . that requires an X64 system, where the i386
system is mostly a storage repository . . .

So why do I write code from Windows ?

   1. I get to use the editor I prefer.
   2. I do not have to crap up the other systems with GUI garbage.
   3. After having been using MS OSes since the early 90's ( Linux this
   long too ) I've become accustomed to the Windows GUI.

In, short. It's a matter of preference.

Honestly though, I very seriously wonder why OSX users think OSX adds value
to this sort of thing myself. . .

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 5:56 PM, evilwulfie <evilwul...@gmail.com> wrote:

> re read what he said. i think you misunderstood him.
> On 11/17/2015 5:32 PM, John Syne wrote:
> Hi William,
> I don’t want to prompt an argument here, but I am curious. Where is it
> that you believe Windows adds value here? I accept that you have a windows
> machine, but why not run Debian or Ubuntu on Virtualbox or VMWare and avoid
> all the complications of Windows? I use OSX for all my
> Nodejs/Angularjs/HTML development and then I use Ubuntu for my embedded
> development. The only reason I use Windows is to run Solidworks and Altium,
> and my only hope is that one day I can run these on OSX or Linux.
> Regards,
> John
> On Nov 17, 2015, at 3:41 PM, William Hermans <yyrk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *I ended up installing Debian Jessie on an old Macbook (the original one
>> actually, version 1,1) and everything just works great with it. After
>> playing around a bit on the Mac I decided to buy a new Dell XPS 13 for
>> development (warning there... you'll need to run Debian unstable with the
>> 4.3 experimental kernel in order to support the new Skylake architecture
>> but figuring all that out was MUCH easier than trying to build a cross
>> compiler toolchain for Xcode). As for getting get the USB working... I
>> never did but it looks like there's been some progress in the past few
>> weeks. Check out Robert's post. *
> This is probably the best move anyone could make. That is using an i386 /
> i386-64 Linux ( and why not debian ? ) system for development. There are
> simply too many factors to consider when using anything else, and while
> probably not impossible. It is simply too much of a hassle.
> So, I run Windows, and have the capability to use Linaro's Windows
> binaries for a cross toolchain - But I don't. I've actually set this up
> with code:blocks, and it works fine. But there are so many dahmed hoops
> to jump through for even the simplest things like using a third party
> library. It's just not worth it.
> Passed that though . . .
>    1. Mount an NFS share on the Beglebone from this dev system.
>    2. Set up a Samba share from that NFS share root.
>    3. Map that Samba share on your host system.
>    4. Use editor of choice, on host to write code that seems local, but
>    is actually remote.
>    5. Compile natively on the Beaglebone using ssh / gcc, etc.
> Definitively there are simply ways to get a single file, or a few files
> over to the target(Beaglebone ). But for multiple files / projects this is
> the method that I personally find the best / easiest.
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 1:26 PM, Joe Ciarcia < <jazzka...@gmail.com>
> jazzka...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I gave up on using OS X El Cap and Xcode for development on the
>> Beaglebone. I posted to the crosstool-ng list to see if anyone could help
>> with the errors I was seeing and I didn't get any responses (even though
>> it's a pretty active list, I just suspect very few people are trying to do
>> cross platform development for the arm on a Mac). I ended up installing
>> Debian Jessie on an old Macbook (the original one actually, version 1,1)
>> and everything just works great with it. After playing around a bit on the
>> Mac I decided to buy a new Dell XPS 13 for development (warning there...
>> you'll need to run Debian unstable with the 4.3 experimental kernel in
>> order to support the new Skylake architecture but figuring all that out was
>> MUCH easier than trying to build a cross compiler toolchain for Xcode). As
>> for getting get the USB working... I never did but it looks like there's
>> been some progress in the past few weeks. Check out Robert's post.
>> As for connecting to it via ethernet (which is pretty easy)... you can
>> either connect it directly to the ethernet port on your Mac, or you can
>> connect it to your router. To log in all you have to do is open a terminal
>> and ssh in...
>> ssh root@beaglebone.local
>> You don't have to fool around with IP addresses etc. as most of the
>> tutorials indicate. Much easier that way. Once you're in though, create a
>> new user so that you're not using root all the time.
>> If you want to go the Debian route, I highly recommend this video from
>> Derek Molloy to get things started. It will show you how to get the Eclipse
>> IDE up and running which will allow you to do cross compilation, remote
>> deployment of your binaries, and remote debugging. It's pretty slick!
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9yFyWsyyGk
>> Cheers, Joe
>> On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 2:11:30 PM UTC-5, theobo...@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Joe,
>>> I see you are running os 10.11, me too.
>>> I'm not getting the BBB to be recognized by my mac.
>>> And when i'm trying to install the Serial driver, i get an error
>>> Can you help me?
>>> Op zaterdag 24 oktober 2015 16:27:43 UTC+2 schreef Joe Ciarcia:
>>>> I've found some great resources out there that help us Mac folk out
>>>> with building an arm toolchain on the OS X platform. Here they are if any
>>>> others stumble across this thread looking for the same:
>>>> http://www.benmont.com/tech/crosscompiler.html
>>>> http://will-tm.com/cross-compiling-mac-os-x-mavericks/
>>>> http://hansbot.blogspot.com/p/beaglebone-black-mac-os-x-toolchain.html
>>>>  (this one is the most detailed)
>>>> I've gotten through a few of the stumbling blocks but I'm currently
>>>> stuck. I get this far:
>>>> [INFO ]  Performing some trivial sanity checks
>>>> [INFO ]  Build started 20151023.200552
>>>> [INFO ]  Building environment variables
>>>> [00:03] /
>>>> So, after that, if I look at the activity monitor, bash is around 100%
>>>> processor utilization on one of the cores. I figure "great, it's doing
>>>> something". I left it to do its thing and after an hour, I killed the
>>>> process. I changed a few settings... ran it again... same thing. Okay...
>>>> maybe it just takes a really long time. I left it overnight. This morning
>>>> it was still near 100% processor utilization and nothing had changed in the
>>>> build.log file. Here's the last few lines from the build log:
>>>> [DEBUG]
>>>> =================================================================
>>>> [DEBUG]  Checking that we can run gcc -v
>>>> [DEBUG]    ==> Executing: 'x86_64-build_apple-darwin15.0.0-gcc' '-v'
>>>> [DEBUG]    Configured with:
>>>> --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr
>>>> --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
>>>> [DEBUG]    Apple LLVM version 7.0.0 (clang-700.1.76)
>>>> [DEBUG]    Target: x86_64-apple-darwin15.0.0
>>>> [DEBUG]    Thread model: posix
>>>> [DEBUG]  Checking that we can run gcc -v: done in 0.00s (at 00:03)
>>>> [DEBUG]
>>>> =================================================================
>>>> [DEBUG]  Checking that gcc can compile a trivial program
>>>> [DEBUG]    ==> Executing: 'x86_64-build_apple-darwin15.0.0-gcc' '-O2'
>>>> '-g' '-pipe'
>>>> '/Volumes/CaSe/.build/arm-JoesBeaglebone-linux-gnueabi/build/test.c' '-o'
>>>> '/Volumes/CaSe/.build/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/build/.gccout'
>>>> [DEBUG]  Checking that gcc can compile a trivial program: done in 0.00s
>>>> (at 00:03)
>>>> [EXTRA]  Installing user-supplied crosstool-NG configuration
>>>> [DEBUG]  ==> Executing: 'mkdir' '-p' '/Volumes/CaSe/prefix/bin'
>>>> [DEBUG]  ==> Executing: 'install' '-m' '0755'
>>>> '/usr/local/Cellar/crosstool-ng/1.21.0/lib/ct-ng.1.21.0/scripts/
>>>> toolchain-config.in'
>>>> '/Volumes/CaSe/prefix/bin/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-ct-ng.config'
>>>> [ERROR]
>>>> [ERROR]  >>
>>>> [ERROR]  >>  Build failed in step '(top-level)'
>>>> [ERROR]  >>
>>>> [ERROR]  >>  Error happened in: CT_DoExecLog[scripts/functions@216]
>>>> [ERROR]  >>        called from: main[scripts/crosstool-NG.sh@564]
>>>> [ERROR]
>>>> [ERROR]  (elapsed: 756:57.00)
>>>> Any suggestions on how to debug this? Obviously it's attempting to do
>>>> something given the processor utilization but... what the heck is it hung
>>>> up on?
>>>> One thing worth noting... early in the process the build log had an
>>>> error with regards to not being able to find the ginstall tool. Since this
>>>> was at the beginning of the test process I figured it hadn't gotten to
>>>> building anything yet and as such, ct-ng clean was not needed (maybe I'm
>>>> wrong). As part of running ct-ng build it creates a directory structure
>>>> (running clean deletes this structure and all the tools included) at
>>>> /YourCaseSensitiveDirectory/.build/tools/bin. My solution was to just cp
>>>> install ginstall, and that got me past that error. Not sure if that's
>>>> contributing to anything but I thought it worth mentioning. Is there
>>>> another way around the missing ginstall problem?
>>>> Cheers, Joe
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