Hey guys I have edited my uEnv.txt and uncommented the disable hdmi and
emmc but a reboot does nothing?

This is my kernel version:

*Linux beaglebone 3.8.13-bone79 #1 SMP Tue Oct 13 20:44:55 UTC 2015 armv7l

This is my /boot/uEnv.txt file:

*Docs: http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:U-boot_partitioning_layout_2.0


*##BeagleBone Black/Green dtb's for v4.1.x (BeagleBone White just works..)*

*##BeagleBone Black: HDMI (Audio/Video) disabled:*

*##BeagleBone Black: eMMC disabled:*

*##BeagleBone Black: HDMI Audio/eMMC disabled:*

*##BeagleBone Black: HDMI (Audio/Video)/eMMC disabled:*

*##BeagleBone Black: wl1835*

*##BeagleBone Black: replicape*

*##BeagleBone Green: eMMC disabled*

*#In the event of edid real failures, uncomment this next line:*
*#cmdline=coherent_pool=1M quiet init=/lib/systemd/systemd
cape_universal=enable video=HDMI-A-1:1024x768@60e*

*##Example v3.8.x*

*##Example v4.1.x*

*##Disable HDMI/eMMC (v3.8.x)*

*##Disable HDMI (v3.8.x)*

*##Disable eMMC (v3.8.x)*

*##Audio Cape (needs HDMI Audio disabled) (v3.8.x)*

*##enable Generic eMMC Flasher:*
*##make sure, these tools are installed: dosfstools rsync*

*cmdline=coherent_pool=1M quiet init=/lib/systemd/systemd

As you can see I pretty much disabled everything but when I:

root@beaglebone:~# cat /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.9/slots
 0: 54:PF---
 1: 55:PF---
 2: 56:PF---
 3: 57:PF---
 4: ff:P-O-L Bone-LT-eMMC-2G,00A0,Texas Instrument,BB-BONE-EMMC-2G
 5: ff:P-O-- Bone-Black-HDMI,00A0,Texas Instrument,BB-BONELT-HDMI
 6: ff:P-O-L Bone-Black-HDMIN,00A0,Texas Instrument,BB-BONELT-HDMIN

Everything is still applied?  What  am I missing here?



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