Summary, mostly working with some gotchas; this posting is just help others 
doing a change to 4.1.x, if not, please just ignore.

1) I2C works but it appears the addresses have changed: sudo i2cdetect -y 
-r 2 shows I2C at address 2
2) Adafruit_BBIO.ADC: needs fixes 
just due to $SLOTS location changing. Copy this to the source file of
git:// and do a git 
apply "patch-file" and then go to main directory and do a sudo make 
install. There are some warnings at patch
application, but they don't seem to cause problems (I checked the code - 
the warning have something to do with line end spaces; I also checked the 
ADC functionality with gdb)
I think I had to copy the file in manually to 
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Adafruit_BBIO; not sure why.
3) Adafruit_BBIO.SPI not working but not needed as spidev has been fixed 
for the RPi (by gadgetoid?) and seems to work fine fine for the BBB 4.1.x. 
It is
found at (just download and sudo make 
4) uio_pruss: recompiled to increase memory size (I may have used a 
4.1.13bone17 source due to laziness - no problems so far):
> cat /sys/class/uio/uio0/maps/map1/size 
and copied to /lib/modules/4.1.15-bone17/kernel/drivers/uio/
As far as I can tell the uio_pruss all works fine. I recompiled my logic 
analyzer and it seems to run as before (this seems like almost the only 
thing that worked without changes)
5) Networking, and wireless, had real problems but now working fairly well 
with a custom network manager (yech!); I still get intermittent problems for
unknown reasons, but it generally comes up now irrespective of device and 
network subnet; I'm primarily using python with subprocess.Popen to call 
"ip" and a bit of pinging to
find subnetwork address; networking has never been well done (and maybe 
will never be well done) in linux. Total lines of python: 628 to date
If the usb0 gadget connection had not worked, I wouldn't of had a chance 
(thanks Robert).

Loading overlays: I had and have problems here; could be due to my 
1) in /boot/uEnv.txt using:
doesn't work as the BB-SPIDEV1 seems to be from the main device tree, not 
from /lib/firmware. I added a
systemd service to add overlays at boot from /lib/firmware. When adding at 
boot, my self.spi.max_speed_hz was wrong; it was 24MHz; if I loaded
it later manually, it had its correct value of 100kHz (I'm running it slow 
to make using the logic analyzer easier). Note, the default in the main 
device tree is 16MHz.
Suggestion: specify self.spi.max_speed_hz in your code to be safe
Note also, the main device tree has spi-cpha; specified for channel 0. This 
has D1 changing on positive going clock edges; most SPI slaves sample on 
positive going edges,
so one wants D1 changing on negative going edges; this default should be 
commented out
Suggestion, specify self.spi.mode in your code to be safe (normally as 0, 
not the current 1)
2) I'm seeing unexpected (to me) behaviour when loading and removing SPI 
tree overlays. The first one comes at /dev/spidev1.0 and /dev/spidev1.1 
irrespective if whether it
is bus 0 or bus 1 (i.e. BB-SPIDEV0-00A0.dtbo or BB-SPIDEV1-00A0.dtbo), the 
next one comes in at /dev/spidev2.0 and /dev/spidev2.1 again irrespective 
of which bus it really is.
The spi overlays can be removed and the re-installed, but each time, they 
come in at one higher file number location. One's code needs to know the 
location to open the device
(one could check for it, but this seems overly complicated). I would have 
expected spi0 to come in at spi0 and spi1 to be at spi1. I lost at least a 
full week here. With these caveats,
and the fixed code from gadgetoid, the spi1 seems to be now working fine 
for me; for me the I2C's and SPI's are the most critical drivers.

Summary, some issues with the tree overlays, that need to be 
simplified/modified, but overall everything is mostly now working 
(somewhere around 7-8 weeks full-time from first flashing), Pyside, scite, 
and gtkwave
all work with no problems. I may not be the best at BBB's, but this will be 
the last time I reflash. The uio_pruss seemed to have no problems (after 
recompiling) which was real nice
(the PRUs are the only reason - well maybe lack of an eMMC as well - 
besides invested time, that I am not switching to RPis). I suggest just 
doing updates -with the correct flags- unless your full-time job is 
embedded linux.
I also suggest some simple shell scripts to automate backup (such as nc -l 
-p 19000|bzip2 -d|dd bs=16M of=$filNm on host and sudo dd bs=16M 
if=/dev/mmcblk0|bzip2 -c|nc $1 19000 to
back up often (also be careful not to get rid of eMMC in /boot/uEvt.txt if 
not running for sD card - as I accidentally did - this is dangerous). There 
were many many errors during the process as the documentation
is primarily scattered one-liners in many forum postings; it's just nice to 
be past it now.

Hoping this saves others some time.

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