Hi Wally

Many thanks.  I'll apologize in advance- there are terms I'm not familiar 
with; I fear I'll have to take small steps

First question, is your system running from an SD card or the eMMC?

Running the eMMC

If running from an SD card, just "clone" or duplicate the card using 
Windows or Linux tools.  If its running from the eMMC (on-board storage).  
It'll require knowing some Linux commands.   For a beginner, I'd suggest 
downloading an image as close to what is in your eMMC as you can, write it 
to an SD and then mounting the SD card using a USB to SD card adapter (this 
gets you the correct partition layout) on the BBB and using rsync or dd to 
clone (copy) the / (root) and /boot partitions from your eMMC to the SD 

Is the image the list of files & folders visible upon opening BBB on my 
laptop OR the list of folders and files within Cloud 9 OR something else?

Thanks again,

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