I would like to build a nice audio toolbox out of the beagle board as a 
Google Summer of Code project and would like to get some feedback from you 
guys! How would like to have something like this? What would you do with it?

Here is my abstract

In my project I’m trying to build the foundation for using a beagleboard 
> device as a sound processor. I would like to implement the effects modular 
> - they should do just little things and have an open routing between each 
> other. It should be similar to Native Instrument’s Reaktor (see: NI’s 
> Reaktor Homepage 
> <http://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/synths/reaktor-6/>). 
> A graphical user interface however might be a stretch goal - maybe also 
> DSPatcher could be used for this purpose (see: DSPatcher Sourceforge 
> <https://sourceforge.net/projects/dspatcher/>). The effects might be 
> implemented using DSPatch C++ Library. (see: DSPatch Homepage 
> <http://flowbasedprogramming.com/DSPatch/index.html>) The usage of such 
> an effects box might be a transportable mixing desk (when adding MIDI 
> controllers for example), a guitar effects box, a synthesizer/sampler 
> instrument, a music studio effect, an acoustic measurement box, 
> room/speaker correction or a hrtf 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head-related_transfer_function> based 3d 
> sound headphone system (when adding a head tracking sensor and an headphone 
> amplifier). It targets musicians, audio engineers and audio enthusiasts. It 
> shall be based on the work already done by Henrik Langer and Robert Manzke 
> (see: Linux-Based Low-Latency Multichannel Audio System (CTAG face2|4) 
> <http://www.creative-technologies.de/linux-based-low-latency-multichannel-audio-system-2/>).
> The project shall assess if the PRUs of BBB/BBG or the DSPs of the X15 
> could be used to provide a better performance for real time audio. The 
> minimum of implemented effects is an equalizer (consisting of a lowpass, 
> highpass, bandpass and bandstop filters), dynamic effects 
> (compressor/limiter/expander) and a convolution engine (use fftw if 
> possible). As a stretched goal there could be generators (VCOs 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltage-controlled_oscillator> - 
> controlled via MIDI and or OSC, sample player), envelopers (ADSR 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthesizer#Attack_Decay_Sustain_Release_.28ADSR.29_envelope>
> - also controlled via midi), distortion (as a guitar effect for example), 
> modulations effects (like chorus, flanger, phaser), reverberation (based on 
> parameters, via an IR <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impulse_response> 
> should be possible with the convolution engine) or pitch/time shifters.
> Even I pointed out complex effects these effects should be build of 
> submodules which are connected to get theses effects working. For example a 
> biquad 
> filter <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_biquad_filter> would 
> consist of sample-delays, gain modules and summing modules. The equalizer 
> would then consist of some of these filters - and then there are modules 
> that calculate the right filter coefficients to get the desired filter (by 
> giving a frequency, (optional) gain, (optional) Q and filter type). This 
> module which calculates the filter coefficients could even consist of 
> submodules for highpass, lowpass, bandpass and bandstop calculating modules.
> MIDI could be done with rtmidi library.

best regards,
Johannes Wegener

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