I flashed a new image a couple of months ago. 
The output of sudo ifconfig -a  command is:

enx6ceceb5dee7a Link encap:Ethernet  direcciónHW 6c:ec:eb:5d:ee:7a  
          Paquetes RX:40 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          Paquetes TX:0 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          colisiones:0 long.colaTX:1000 
          Bytes RX:7518 (7.5 KB)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Bucle local  
          Direc. inet:  Másc:
          Dirección inet6: ::1/128 Alcance:Anfitrión
          ACTIVO BUCLE FUNCIONANDO  MTU:65536  Métrica:1
          Paquetes RX:1379 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          Paquetes TX:1379 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          colisiones:0 long.colaTX:0 
          Bytes RX:130935 (130.9 KB)  TX bytes:130935 (130.9 KB)

wlp1s0    Link encap:Ethernet  direcciónHW 34:23:87:45:b1:73  
          Direc. inet:  Difus.:  Másc:
          Dirección inet6: fe80::3623:87ff:fe45:b173/64 Alcance:Enlace
          Paquetes RX:40732 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          Paquetes TX:28400 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          colisiones:0 long.colaTX:1000 
          Bytes RX:48689337 (48.6 MB)  TX bytes:4682653 (4.6 MB)

El miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016, 20:09:12 (UTC-3), RobertCNelson escribió:
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 6:02 PM, Nacho fq <nac...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> Im trying to ssh to BBB.
>> I connect the BBB using the USB lead. I run the start.htm but step 1 does 
>> not get highlighted. 
>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7MwEFCrtz94/VvMfKvF5GxI/AAAAAAAAOAU/zgzmnO3uidsuBpomWltie8efEavCUTQ1A/s1600/Captura%2Bde%2Bpantalla%2Bde%2B2016-03-23%2B19-56-20.png>
>> Im sure the problem comes from the Ubuntu distribution cause I have dual 
>> boot and works fine on windows.
>> Any Ideas? What could I try?
>> I've read the problem might be related to known-hosts but I don't know 
>> what to do with that information :P
> Is this a factory out of box image? Or did you flash a new image?
> Since it worked on Windows, on linux what does:
> sudo ifconfig -a
> show? 
> Regards,
> -- 
> Robert Nelson
> https://rcn-ee.com/

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