I have a  working acr122U usb card reader @bbb|g:

1.bbb, wheezy, kernel 4.1.18-r56
2.bbg, wheezy, kernel 3.8.13-bone71.1 (ex works Debian Image 2015-03-01)

with following recipe:


blacklist pn533
blacklist nfc

apt-get install libpcsclite1 pcsc-tools pcscd libacsccid1


But now I pimped a bbg to jessie and latest kernel and it fails:

sudo pcscd -f  --error 
00000935 ifdwrapper.c:371:IFDStatusICC() Card not transacted: 612
00000555 eventhandler.c:233:EHSpawnEventHandler() Initial Check Failed on ACS 
ACR122U 00 00
00000514 readerfactory.c:361:RFAddReader() ACS ACR122U init failed.
00042066 hotplug_libudev.c:501:HPAddDevice() Failed adding USB device: ACS 
03016030 ccid_usb.c:798:ReadUSB() read failed (1/4): -7 Resource temporarily 

Seems the only diff is jessie vs wheezy. But somehow it can't read the usb like 
the blacklist didn't work.

Ideas? I'm out of.

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