Hello, I'm having trouble using SSH to connect to my BBB. 

I just got it for a school project, and was trying to set it up to connect 
with my Mac OS X. So I followed the getting started steps and everything 
worked great. Installed the 2 drivers and used the ssh root@ and 
installed googles Go. Also Added a few path variables to the bottom of the 
bashrc file. Everything worked, and tested the basic helloworld.go program, 
which ran. I wanted to disconnect everything and reconnect to be sure once 
everything was off for awhile it still worked. So I unplugged the USB cable 
to the BBB and then replugged it in. However the ssh command just hangs 
(also tried to connect via web browser but no good). I then tried to 
reinstall the drivers, and it worked. Ran the helloworld.go program, and it 
was still good. So I disconnected more safely this time. I ejected the 
drive from the Desktop, and then unplugged the usb cable. Replugged the USB 
cable, but the ssh command would hang again. I tried repeating the 
reinstall the drives (multiple times) method but it didn't work this time. 
I've tried pressing the BBB onboard reset button and the on/off button but 
I can't seem to get the SSH command to not hang. Please help! thank you 
(sorry if this is a repost but I couldn't find anything relevant).

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