I don't seem to have write access to the beagleboard/newsletter repo
so I created a pull request with May 2016 content I have so far:

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 7:48 AM, Jason Kridner <jkrid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Going to be at Maker Faire Bay Area? Have a Beagle-related demo? I'd like to
> get you mentioned in the newsletter that goes out next week. Please make
> sure Drew or I get you listed on
> https://github.com/beagleboard/newsletter/tree/gh-pages/2016-05.
> Quick search reveals:
> Cave Mapper: http://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/57024/
> Obelisk http://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/55363/
> The Sense of Things: http://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/55232/
> I know there are many, many, many more that people just don't mention
> BeagleBone.
> Drew, I gave you commit rights to a common repository so we can both push
> stuff into the same place rather than just pulling from each other's repos.

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