On 9/8/2016 12:41 PM, William Hermans wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 6:36 AM, Charles Steinkuehler 
> <char...@steinkuehler.net 
> <mailto:char...@steinkuehler.net>> wrote:
>     On 9/7/2016 7:50 PM, William Hermans wrote:
>     >
>     > SETDATAOUT -> |= BITx
>     > CLEARDATAOUT -> &=(~BITx)
>     >
>     > I gues I'll have to reread the TRM again.
>     The set/clear registers only affect the bits that are written with a
>     '1' value, all other bits remain unchanged, while writing directly to
>     the DATAOUT register affects the value of all 32 bits in the GPIO
>     bank.  Using the set/clear registers allows a single atomic write
>     operation to affect the specific bit(s) you want to change without
>     having to perform a non-atomic read-modify-write cycle.
>     Since the write to the set or clear register is atomic, if both the
>     ARM and the PRU both use this method, no locks or other hand-shaking
>     is required to prevent corruption.
>     --
>     Charles Steinkuehler
>     char...@steinkuehler.net <mailto:char...@steinkuehler.net>
> It has long been programing technique to use DATAOUT |= BITx to set a 
> register 
> bit DATAOUT &= (~BITx) to clear a register bit, or something like if(DATAOUT 
> & 
> BITx){} or if((DATAOUT &BITx) == 0 or 1) to read a bit from a register.

Yes, it has.  But those short-hand snippits of C code are hiding an
implicit read-modify-write cycle:


...turns into:

Read  : <temp> = DATAOUT
Modify: <temp> = <temp> | BITx
Write : DATAOUT = <temp>

...where <temp> is probably a CPU register (unless your C compiler is
_really_ bad!).  But if you use the set/clear registers it's just:


If you have multi-threaded code (or interrupts or the PRU) that can
modify GPIO output states, you have to protect the read-modify-write
cycle with some sort of lock.  With the set/clear registers, no lock
is necessary for reliable operation.

> So I'm having a very hard time taking what you're saying without a grain of 
> salt. Especially after having read that section of the TRM in detail, and not 
> getting what you got from it. But I do feel that if you read a gpio register 
> bit 
> first, before writing to it there should be no contention as to what the 
> register should be.

In a multi-threaded system, the time between the read and the write in
the read-modify-write cycle is when corruption can happen.  If another
process writes to the GPIO after the read, but before the write, that
update can get lost (this was covered in a previous email with
specific examples).  Take with as much salt as required for it to make
sense, but controlling access to shared resources (like a GPIO bank,
or a shared variable) is a very basic part of multi-threaded
programming...but it's still _really_ easy to get wrong!

Charles Steinkuehler

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