On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 8:56 PM, George Rung <rickyr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am able to get *SPI0 *working on the BeagleBone Black by using only
> *config-pin* commands:
> config-pin P9_17 spi
> config-pin P9_18 spi
> config-pin P9_21 spi
> config-pin P9_22 spi
> Then writing to */dev/spidev1.0 *causes data to come out the pins P9_18
> (data) and P9_22 (clock).
> Note that searching for how to enable SPI on the BeagleBone returns
> tutorials that all involve *"device trees"* or a *"cape manager"*.  None
> of this was necessary for me to get SPI working.  I assume they used to be
> required at some point in the past.  I simply set the pins to SPI and it
> works.

Actually, device tree file(s) were involved, you just did not realize it.
By using config-pin, you're using one of the universal IO device tree

> Now I'd like to change some SPI settings, like the clock rate.  It seems
> the hardware has a frequency divider that can be set to change the SPI
> clock rate.  What is the clock rate by default?  How can I change it?
> Ideally I'd like to change it by command with the BeagleBone running,
> hopefully no recompiling or rebooting required every time I make a change.
> How should I go about this?
> Note that I'm running the image
> *"bone-debian-8.6-iot-armhf-2016-10-16-4gb.img.xz"* found here:
> <http://goog_839341451>
> https://rcn-ee.com/rootfs/bb.org/testing/2016-10-16/iot/

So, I do not really know much about the SPI hardware per se. However, I do
know that if you check an overlay file for SPI, say :
Look at the highlighted line. If you're wanting to raise the frequency,
there is is. But except if you're wanting to use a universal IO overlay,
which I completely understand. You'll have to edit the file that is
preloaded at boot, *or* the overlay file that is loaded when you invoke the
config-pin script.

As far as the clock, and divider . . . Well as I recall the clock is 48Mhz,
which means if the frequency is 16Mhz, the divider is 3x. Anyway, as I said
I really do not know the SPI hardware well. SO take what I say with a grain
of salt. As what I'm saying concerning the clock and divider is going by
memory. Where I've never used the hardware, and my memory is sometimes less
than perfect.

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